Adding a Learning Activity

One or more learning activities can be added to a single course at any time until the course is published. (See Publishing a Course.)

A course must be added to the HLC before learning activities can be added. You may need to create learning activities outside the HLC prior to incorporating them into a course. For example, you can author online activities through the Authoring Center before adding them to a course.

You can add learning activities to a course as soon as the course is added to the HLC (See Adding a Course) or you can search for the course at a later time and add learning activities if the course has not yet been published (see Searching for a Course).

Note: You cannot add, delete, or rearrange learning activities after a course has been published; however, you can edit learning activities and republish the course (see Editing a Course and Republishing a Course). If you need to add, delete, or rearrange learning activities after a course is published, you must create a new course or a new course version (see Creating a New Course Version).

Regardless of the type of learning activity you wish to add, you will complete a common properties page.

Completing the Common Properties page

  1. In the Name box, enter the name for the activity.

  2. In the Completion Mode list, select the completion mode. This selection dictates the student requirement for each activity (see Completion Mode).

  3. In the Description text area, enter a description, if desired. This entry is not visible to students.

  4. In the Estimated Completion Time boxes, enter the time, in hours and minutes, for this learning activity. These values are an estimation of the amount of time it will take students to complete the activity; it does not reflect actual time spent. Upon course completion, the system will total the estimated completion times entered for each learning activity that was completed within the course and will display an estimated time for the completed course on the student transcript. If a student completes a learning activity more than one time (for example, multiple attempts to pass a test), the system will count the estimated time for each attempt. If you do not wish to record an estimated completion time for an activity, you must enter a zero (0) in both the Hours and Minutes boxes.

Note: To accurately reflect the estimated completion time for a course, it is recommended that estimated completion times (in hours and minutes) be entered for every learning activity within the course. If you do not wish to record an estimated completion time for the course upon completion, enter zeros (0) into the Hours and Minutes boxes for each learning activity. The estimated time will then display as zero (0) on the selected reports.

  1. In the Minimum Passing Score box, enter the minimum passing score for this learning activity. The minimum passing score is available for scored learning activities (tests, classroom). A percent score can be entered requiring the student to meet or exceed that score to successfully complete the learning activity. If the student fails to meet the passing score he or she may or may not fail the course, depending on the activity’s completion mode setting (see Completion Mode).

  2. In the Score Percent Weight box, enter the score percent weight for this learning activity. For instance, a course containing two tests and one classroom activity may have a score percent of 25% entered for each test (totaling 50%) and have a score percent of 50% entered for the classroom activity. When the student completes the course, the system will calculate an overall course score based upon the scores earned for each scored activity and the entered score percent weights. The overall course score will appear on the student’s transcript.

Tip: If the course contains only one scored learning activity, and you wish to have the score for that activity appear on the student transcript, enter a score percent weight of 100% for that activity.

  1. Select the Meeting minimum passing score will immediately complete the course check box if you want to use a scored learning activity as a test-out opportunity for students. See Completion Mode later for additional information on setting up a test-out opportunity for a course.

Note: You do not need to select this check box when the learning activity is the last activity within a course. This box is used to identify learning activities that are being used as test-out opportunities only.

  1. Select the Allow this learning activity to be overridden check box if you want to give permission to subsidiary affiliations to edit the test or evaluation. Affiliations given override permission are identified using the permissions feature prior to course publishing.

Note: This check box is available only for tests and evaluations. See Granting Test/Evaluation Override Permissions.

  1. Click Save when you have entered all the information. You can now begin adding your learning activities.