Welcome to CovLearn!
To log in, enter your Employee Badge number as the User ID. Your initial password is covenant1
After initial login, you will be prompted to change your password. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain:
- 1 uppercase letter
- 1 lowercase letter
- 1 number
- 1 symbol (ex: !, #, $, %)
Mandatory training is to be regarded as ‘time worked’ regardless of whether the training occurs in a classroom, online, at or away from the employee’s normal work site (including the employee’s home in the instance of mandatory online training), during normal work hours, or outside normal work hours. As such, this time is compensable for the employee.
However, prior supervisory approval is required for non-exempt employees to engage in training outside of their normally scheduled work hours as in, for example, completion of online training modules at the employee’s home during off-duty hours.