Grading Events

Events can only be graded by the instructor(s) who led them. You should not change grades after you have saved or submitted them. Doing so can affect the student's completion in the course or curriculum, as well as their active status. If you change a saved or submitted grade, you must contact both the AAP and the student whose grade you changed.

When you finalize and submit a roster, you will receive credit for teaching the event. Resubmitting grades will not affect that credit.

To grade an event:

1.       If you are not already in the instructor-led events section of the system, click the Site Map button [NRP_Site_Map_Button.png] to open the Site Map.

2.       Click the NRP 7th Edition Instructor-Led Events link to open the My Events page.

3.       Type all or part of an event name in the My Events search box [NRP_My_Events_Search_Bar_Resized.png].

4.       Click the search button [NRP_Events_Search_Button.png] to search for events whose name contains the text you typed in the text box.

5.       From the search results, click an event's Options button to display the available options.

6.       Select the Manage Event option to open the event's Settings page.

7.       Click the Grading link to open the Grading page.

8.       Grade students by clicking the Pass, Fail, or No Show button.

9.       When you have graded all of the students, click the Finalize and Submit to AAP button.

10.  When you are prompted to confirm the submission, click the Finalize and Submit to AAP button.