Training Is Essential for Improving Resuscitation Outcomes: Articles about Resuscitation

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Training staff to perform high-quality CPR can help healthcare organizations to improve responses and outcomes in cardiovascular emergencies. But today, resuscitation training resources across the healthcare continuum are being stretched more than ever. Trainers are overwhelmed, classroom space is limited, and schedules are conflicted. HealthStream provides resuscitation solutions to help reduce training costs and time, and help providers streamline certification renewals to ensure staff members stay current, stay competent, and stay compliant. Below we’ve collected two articles and an infographic that represent some of our recent thought leadership about improving resuscitation.

Overcoming the Fear of CPR: More Frequent Training, Feedback, and Patient Surveillance

Even trained healthcare professionals can lack confidence in their ability to deliver CPR, often resulting in fear or avoidance of Mock Codes. HealthStream called on CPR Specialist Nicole Kupchik to share best practices for overcoming obstacles in resuscitation training. Learn how to tackle pressing issues with pauses, chest compression fraction, defibrillation events, over-ventilation, and more—equipping your organization for improved outcomes.

Ensuring High Quality CPR across the Care Continuum

On average, only 23% of adult patients will survive in-hospital sudden cardiac arrest. As alarming as that statistic is, it’s even worse outside of the hospital, where survival rates are estimated to range from just 2% to 11%. HealthStream Resuscitation Coach Donna Haynes and Solutions Representative Alex Harris share with us why providers throughout the care continuum must move beyond the traditional routine activity of getting the CPR card and invest more in training their staff to provide quality CPR that saves lives.

The Road to Resuscitation Training Success

Self-directed resuscitation training enables the learner to self-identify knowledge and skill gaps, and reflect critically on the learning process and outcomes. Download this infographic to learn how HealthStream’s Resuscitation Solutions can improve and advance your CPR training program.

Learn more about HealthStream Resuscitation Solutions.