On-Demand Webinar60 min

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10 Pitfalls of Healthcare Compliance + How to Avoid Them

What are the most common pitfalls of a poor compliance program? What does ineffective compliance look like? These failures expose patients to potential harm, jeopardizing their safety. If essential regulations and protocols aren’t being followed, an ineffective program creates a culture of fear and anxiety about negative consequences. Are you on the OIG’s radar?

No one should have to witness the difficult repercussions of ineffective compliance: legal and financial penalties, damaged reputation, compromised patient trust, and more. It’s unsettling to think about how ineffective compliance programs create risk, but if we can’t pinpoint what ineffective compliance looks like, how can we put together an effective compliance program? Join us for a 60-minute complimentary webinar where we identify and discuss the top 10 inefficiencies of healthcare compliance and how to avoid them.

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