On-Demand Webinar60 min

Are We Headed Towards a Risk Tsunami?

COVID-19 spikes, staffing shortages, workforce burnout, and turnover all create the perfect environment for errors and quality issues. How can you make sure your staff is providing the best care for every patient at your facility? Where do we begin? Promoting a culture of safety starts with asking the right questions.

An engaged workforce is the foundation to delivering safe, high quality, and patient-centered care. But, what type of enhanced learning would best benefit my staff? As a healthcare leader, what education should I invest in first? Is it resuscitation, quality, onboarding, competency development, or something else? Join us for a 60-minute round table webinar with a panel of HealthStream’s top senior leadership as we roll up our sleeves to discuss the need for safe, quality care amidst the current tsunami of risk.

This webinar will be presented by:

  • Trisha Coady, RN, BSN - Senior VP & General Manager, Workforce Development Solutions – HealthStream
  • Robyne Wilcox - Vice President, Quality & Safety Programs – HealthStream
  • Luther Cale – Vice President, Clinical Programs – HealthStream
  • Chris McElvogue, BSN, RN, CHSE – Director, Clinical Programs - HealthStream
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