On-Demand Webinar60 min

Challenge the Status Quo: Ending the Regulation Training Hunt

Today's healthcare leaders are feeling more pressure than ever before to stay abreast of training regulations, rules, and requirements. While the hospital has traditionally been the focus of healthcare, alternative care environments have, in recent years, shifted into the limelight. This new model, which focuses on providing care at the right time and in the right place, comes with its own set of unique compliance-related challenges and complexities. With more than 175,000 federal and state regulations spread across multiple, disparate websites, as well as frequently changing guidelines, it's no surprise leaders across the care continuum are feeling the pressure. 

How can organizations adequately identify, monitor, and map training requirements in this shifting compliance environment? 

Download this webinar to see how HealthStream's Ben Diamond, Vice President of Compliance Solutions, and Debbie Newsholme, Senior Director of Content Development, explain the critical need for organizations to assess, strengthen, and centralize the training regulation process in order to ensure high-quality patient and resident care. 

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