On-Demand Webinar60 min

Developing Competencies that Address Societal Impacts on Cardiovascular Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, someone in the United States has a heart attack every 40 seconds. As February marks American Heart Month, join us as we embark on a roundtable discussion focused on developing competencies that address societal impacts on cardiovascular health. Throughout this guided conversation, our panel will review common causes for heart diseases, the impact disparities and mental health have on cardiovascular health, the importance of having an advanced resuscitation program in place, and how to effectively manage cardiac conditions with leading technology and education.

  • Luther Cale, Vice President of Clinical Programs, HealthStream
  • Maria Flowers, Director of Health Equity & Belonging, HealthStream
  • Bo Latham, Sr. Product Manager, HealthStream
  • Andrea Zalewski, Clinical Program Manager, HealthStream
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