
How do nurses influence health policy?

Given that there are more nurses than any other profession in healthcare, nurses should play a larger role in creating healthcare policy. This blog posts looks at why and how the policy change influence of nurses can be improved, as well as ways it is already felt.

June 14, 2021


COVID-19 Made Reopening Long-Term Care Especially Difficult

The delayed reopening of nursing homes and long-term care facilities during the height of the COVID-19 was problematic for residents, who suffered in the absence of the vital support and engagement of visitors and family members.

June 11, 2021


Sexual Identity and Unconscious Bias in Healthcare

For success in treatment and for encouraging healthy behaviors, a trusting relationship needs to exist between the patient and a healthcare professional. Ultimately, cultivating awareness is key to counteracting the negative impacts of unconscious sexual identity bias on members of the LGBT community.

June 10, 2021


3 Areas of Focus for Nursing Informatics Competencies

This blog post examines three nursing informatics competencies and connects them to better patient care, healthcare initiatives and goals like lower readmission rates, and an improved overall sense of job fulfillment and engagement for nurses.

June 09, 2021


Succession Planning Approaches for Healthcare Organizations

In addition to many other impacts, COVID-19 has emphasized the extreme importance of succession planning within healthcare organizations. This blog post examines how the pandemic is an opportunity to refocus the process of finding new healthcare leaders.

June 08, 2021


Nursing Facility Employees Are Feeling Great Stress from COVID-19

Staff members in nursing homes are already faced with multiple challenges that cause a great deal of stress. Many are so poorly paid that they work multiple jobs across different facilities. This combination is a recipe for exhaustion, and during COVID-19, also adds to the stress around possible sources and transmission of infection.

June 07, 2021



How CHRISTUS Hospital used HealthStream reports, education, and authoring as key components in their Journey to Nursing Excellence™

June 03, 2021


Trends in Healthcare Learning

Healthcare is changing rapidly, and it’s no surprise that healthcare education needs to do the same. This eBook addresses advances in training, including the heightened focus on lifelong learning and new education methods that enhance knowledge retention and advance competency.

May 28, 2021


Get Ahead of the Trends: A Look at the Top Issues Impacting the Healthcare Workforce

The healthcare workforce is at the heart of many of the big changes coming to the healthcare industry. Not only are we asking them to do more with fewer resources, time, and manpower, but they are also tasked with continually improving outcomes, both for patients and their organizations. This eBook takes a deeper look into how your organization can strengthen your healthcare workforce and enable them to provide quality care.

May 28, 2021


2021 Annual Report on Medical Staff Credentialing

COVID has changed the credentialing and privileging industry. Our report details the shifts, trends, and key insights learned during 2021.

May 18, 2021


Potential COVID-19 Impact Greater on Rural and Single Provider Long Term Care

Duke Aging Care experts suggest there appears to be a correlation between more serious outbreaks of COVID-19 and location in rural areas, as well as the size of a facility and its affiliation with larger health systems.

May 14, 2021


Reviews and Recognition as a Tool to Avoid Staff Burnout

Employees deserve recognition for the incredible lengths to which they are going during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of adaptability, flexibility, and providing successful patient care in an unprecedented time. Use it to support employee engagement.

May 14, 2021


Opioid Stewardship Training Based on the Input of Many Expert Stakeholders

Once NQF decided to focus its attention on the opioid crisis, its leadership began many months of work. They tapped outside experts for data and strategy ideas and began to look at how healthcare providers and entities could tackle the complex issues of opioid addiction and substance abuse disorder (SUD).

May 14, 2021


Seven Fundamental Ways to Improve Opioid Stewardship with Expert Healthcare Training

Seven fundamental pillars of opioid stewardship are the foundation for the NQF opioid stewardship courseware available through HealthStream. This active learning, scenario-based curriculum takes the learner on a healthcare organization's journey to improved opioid stewardship.

May 14, 2021


A Healthcare Education Solution Focused on the Opioid Crisis

May 14, 2021


Target Opioid Stewardship Training by Expertise Level and Learner Needs

In addition to incorporating strategies for varying levels of expertise, the opioid stewardship course is also divided into modules that are targeted to the specific needs of two main cohorts: direct care and organizational non-direct care staff.

May 14, 2021


Tactics to Improve Nurse Engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world of healthcare upside down, especially in terms of how care professionals feel about their work and their employers. Here are some reasons nurse engagement is important, as well as some strategies to improve it.

May 14, 2021


Webinar - Survey shows privileging for Telehealth a big issue in 2020 and beyond

VerityStream’s 2020 survey revealed that more than half (51.6%) of all respondents said their organization’s use of telehealth services increased significantly since the beginning of the pandemic, accompanied by credentialing challenges and other related issues.

May 14, 2021


COVID-19 Underscores the Value of Internet-based Communication Devices for Keeping Residents Connected

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it extremely apparent that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities must move ahead in their efforts to encourage internet connectivity and use, as well as provide the necessary hardware to do so.

May 14, 2021


Assessing the Impact of the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM)

The Patient-Driven Payment Model changed reimbursement in skilled nursing to be driven by the patient's clinical characteristics rather than the number of therapy minutes provided. After being in effect for more than a year, here are some attempts to assess its impact.

May 14, 2021