
The Unique Issues of the Post-Acute Care World

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

By Bette Harriman, Patient Experience Coach, HealthStream Engagement Institute

“You’ll be okay Mom…they’re going to take great care of you….”

Have you said this to your Mom, Dad, or another loved one and wondered if those words would actually be true? As you leave your loved one in this unfamiliar place where there are so many new sounds, like people crying, so many wheelchairs in the hallway, and so many unusual smells, how can you be sure that your loved one is receiving the care he/she needs and deserves?  How do you, the primary caregiver, know that you can trust this facility provides the very best care?

When you open the newspaper the next day there is an ad that reads, “Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect… If a loved one has been injured or developed an illness as a result of abuse in a nursing home, call for a free consultation. This may include bed sores, falls, malnutrition, dehydration, and other problems….”  Apparently, post-acute care is a field ripe for litigation. What can be done to improve care and provide a safe, secure, loving, respectful environment for those in need?

The Demands on Post-Acute Care Providers are Growing

The world of the post-acute care resident and family is the focus of much debate these days, but no one can debate the need for the care that these residents so richly deserve. Often this care is an indicator of employee engagement and commitment. Care providers interact with families who face fears, issues of safety, courtesy, respect and failure to meet expectations every day. How do you best address residents and families entering your facility with these fears?

The “Graying of America” is a phenomenon that describes the increasing percentage of
Americans over 50 years old.  Over 24% of Americans are over 50 years old and 14% are over 65.  The over 65 population is projected to swell to 22% by 2045. The impact on healthcare resources will be greatest in the post-acute and long-term care segments.  

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