
Ten Trends Blog #1

Ten Trends for 2023: Rising Temperatures and Generational Changes

February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023

HealthStream recently published its annual white paper detailing the top ten trends healthcare leaders can expect in the coming year. The paper was authored by Robin Rose, MHA, Thought Leadership Consultant. This blog will focus on two of the ten trends discussed in the paper, while additional trends were covered in earlier blogs. 

COVID-19 was and is the driver of a great deal of change in healthcare, but not all the trends are a result of the pandemic. The impact of climate change on our environment is becoming clear as is its impact on human health. In addition, Generation Z will be entering the workforce. So, what should we know about these trends?

Rising Temperatures Are Increasing Risks to Human Health

The impact of rising temperatures on the environment has been in the news a great deal – extreme weather events and poor air quality making the headlines as temperatures rise. However, the impact of climate change goes beyond severe and unpredictable weather. The weather can impact food security, stability of housing, security of employment, and more according to Deloitte.

Rose cited the 2022 heat wave that gripped the West coast of the United States as an example of the impact of climate change on human health. Despite the life-saving efforts of hospitals and healthcare providers, the heat wave resulted in 1,000 excess deaths. The incidence of severe weather-related health emergences is likely to increase as extreme climate events increase. 

Rising temperatures will also have public health implications beyond the social and cultural changes they bring. The National Center for Environmental Health have identified some of the consequences to human health in the graphic below.  

Ten Trends Blog #5- Impact of Climate Change on Human Health

Generation Z Is Entering the Workforce

Generational differences have been the topic of numerous discussions, articles, and debates and much of the recent attention has been on Millennials and their entrance into the workforce; however, Generation Z is now in the spotlight.

Born between 1997 and 2012, Generation Z comprises the largest generation on earth, accounting for 32% (2.47 billion) of the 7.7 billion people on earth. They are also referred to as “Zoomers” and the “iGeneration.”

As the oldest of the Generation Z cohort begins to enter the workforce, it is important for healthcare leaders to understand the unique characteristics and qualities of this group.

  • They are fairly diverse: 50.9% of them are white, 25% are Hispanic, 13.8% are Black, and 5.3% are Asian.
  • 29% of Generation Z are either children of immigrants or immigrants themselves.
  • Nearly one in five identify as LGBTQ+.

In addition to their demographic differences, Generation Z has some other unique attributes that will need to be well understood by healthcare leaders as this cohort enters the workforce.

  • Approximately 36% of them have an allergy.
  • They are very much guided by their sociopolitical views when making purchasing decisions and when making decisions about where to work.
  • They have higher incidences of mental health issues and sleep deprivation.
  • Generation Z binges on alcohol 20% less than Millennials and prefer cannabis to alcohol.
  • They are one of the first generations to have had access to technology from a young age.
  • They are less “face-to-face” and report feeling lonelier and more left out.

HealthStream explores the shifts and trends on the horizon that may impact your organization in our Annual Ten Trends Series.
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