How a Pandemic Prompted a Shift towards Telehealth and Online Learning

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Whatever doubts there were about the efficiency and usability of telehealth before this year, the global pandemic has allayed them. Telehealth has been used to keep the at-risk at home and reduce the spread of infection while ensuring appointments are kept. It has significantly impacted the mental health field by allowing individuals to continue to get the support they need without risking exposure to COVID-19 and even reducing the stigma of having to go somewhere to receive mental health care. Marjorie Morrison, co-founder, President, and CEO of Psych Hub explains, “Telehealth has opened up access for so many. The no-show rate for behavioral health is at an all-time low. You don’t have to worry about the different variables that might get in the way, such as transportation, childcare, or simply getting ready and out of your house. Everyone is getting used to it, and while it will never replace one-on-one, it can really help augment care.” 

Providing Behavioral Healthcare at a Crucial Time
Morrison and her team recognize the interconnectedness of one’s environment and mental health, and they were poised to jump into action when the pandemic struck. Already committed to providing behavioral health content amidst times of change and crisis, they formed a group of 20 organizations that included national health insurers, academia, and government agencies. This unprecedented collection of agencies came together to share resources and create the national COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Hub—a free, central online location for resources about the coronavirus for mental health providers, healthcare professionals, community supports, veterans, students and educators, employers, and the general population. 

Focusing More Than Before on Mental Health
Psych Hub isn’t only changing the landscape for accessing information surrounding COVID-19. Their other current initiatives include equity and mental health, workplace wellness, and self-care. Commenting on the current effects of the pandemic and the importance of their main initiatives, Psych Hub (2020) states: “From addressing the unique mental health challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic to those of new and shifting demands of work environments, we are grateful to partner with leading institutions and organizations in creating robust resource hubs as we are united in the goal to address mental health in a modern world.” 

This blog post is the next excerpt from the HealthStream article, “Psych Hub Reimagines Online Mental Health Education: An Interview with Co-Founder and CEO Marjorie Morrison,” available here.  Other installments in this series include:

  • Mental Health Conditions Exacerbated by COVID-19
  • Psych Hub Resources Confront the Problem of Access
  • A New Perception of Mental Health for the Future

Helping Healthcare Organizations to Support Mental Health
Everyone has a role to play when it comes to supporting mental health. With the Mental Health Ally Certification Library (MHAC) from Psych Hub, you can equip staff members at any level in your organization to learn about critical mental health topics and gain actionable skills to help someone or themselves during difficult times.

MHAC offers five micro-certification tracks focused on critical mental health topics, including: mental health foundations, substance use, motivational interviewing, diversity and bias, and suicide prevention. Learners can complete a single track for micro-certification to focus in on a specific need for your organization or complete all five tracks and obtain the master Mental Health Ally Certification from Psych Hub. In addition to interactive courses, each track comes complete with several companion videos for both providers and patients. These short 3-5-minute videos are excellent for focused knowledge building, reinforcement, or refresher.

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