Bringing Rounding to the Forefront of Healthcare Workforce Development

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

One thing that top hospitals have in common is the need for investment in development and support of their most valuable asset, their people. Hospital staff members, especially nurses, are responsible for making decisions and taking actions that directly affect the care patients receive. According to Kaiser Permanente, when nurses are happier and supported by leadership, there is a positive impact on patient care.

Since 1990, HealthStream has been providing a wide array of solutions aimed at helping hospitals support and develop their team members through educational opportunities, best-practices, coaching, and software solutions. Recently, HealthStream has expanded its offerings by partnering with CipherHealth, a New York-based healthcare technology company. The partnership focuses on expanding CipherHealth’s digital rounding solution, Orchid, to more hospitals across the country.

Rounding is one of the primary activities in which nurses engage to check on patients and their recoveries. It serves as a critical point of communication between staff, patients, and their loved ones to address clinical questions, offer feedback, and express preferences. However, despite the growth of healthcare technology, most hospitals still use traditional paper data collection to complete rounds. This process is often time-consuming and creates challenges when attempting to resolve issues quickly and streamline processes. When feedback must be physically routed to another nurse or department, logs tend to stack up, resulting in silos of data with little attention to issue resolution or use of the valuable feedback gathered.

Digital Rounding Makes a Big Difference

With digital tools such as Orchid, nurse satisfaction can increase upwards of 50%, and organizations have a greater ability to make lasting improvements. Orchid captures real-time data for patient, staff, and facility rounds. Using a simple user interface and customizable scripts, team members conduct rounds and engage with patients. Feedback is aggregated within the system and updated in real-time to reflect the latest round performed on that patient. If an issue is identified during a round, Orchid’s automatic alert functionality allows text messages, email, or pages to be immediately directed to the appropriate staff member for resolution. For example, environmental services can be alerted in real-time to address cleanliness of the room.

With a direct link to the hospital’s EMR, Orchid automatically pre-populates the patient list and indicates important information such as fall risk, dietary restrictions, and catheter, with customizable flags. Additionally, staff are able to see which patients have open issues that need to be addressed.  

A standardized rounding process and real-time data capture allow hospitals to streamline communication, drive collaboration and transparency, and improve organizational efficiency. With this new partnership, both companies hope to help more hospitals enhance how they are currently rounding, and in turn, improve outcomes and experiences for patients across the country.

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