Developing Leading Edge Knowledge Assessments for Healthcare Requires a Rigorous Process

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

HealthStream offers current, clinically relevant, valid, and reliable knowledge assessments for healthcare employees. HealthStream’s assessments are based on best practices for test development, including meeting psychometric standards as well as federal directives outlined in the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.

In brief, the Process involves:

  1. Conduct the Job Analysis

HealthStream’s six-step process begins with a careful analysis of the most recent nationwide studies of the critical tasks, skills, and abilities required for a given health care specialty.

  1. Create the Test Blueprint

HealthStream convenes a clinical team to create the Test Blueprint for our assessment. Using the role delineation study and data from the US Department of Labor, the team develops the test blueprint, which identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for successful job performance in the clinical area that the test will assess.

  1. Develop the Items

Using the role delineation study and data from the US Department of Labor, the team develops the test blueprint, which identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for successful job performance in the clinical area that the test will assess.

  1. Review the Items

HealthStream’s critical review ensures that each item measures a critical element of successful job performance and documents why the test taker’s knowledge of the correct answer is essential for successful job performance, all of which ensures compliance with EEOC UGESP guidelines.


Which of the following is a symptom of severe preeclampsia?

a. Edema of the feet and ankles

b. Epigastric pain and/or impaired liver function

c. Weight gain of one pound per week

d. Early morning headache

Validation analysis:

a. The knowledge measured by this question is the recognition of symptoms of severe preeclampsia.

b. This knowledge is important, because a Labor & Delivery nurse should recognize that epigastric pain in addition to hypertension and other specific symptoms indicate severe preeclampsia. This symptom indicates liver swelling and capsular stretch and may be considered as rationale for delivery of the baby. This symptom may also be accompanied by the elevation of serum liver enzymes.

  1. Test the Test Items

To gather statistics on each test item, HealthStream deploys newly created (or updated) tests on the platforms of our validation partners and collects data from test takers nationwide over a 30-60 day period.

  1. Evaluate and Adjust

HealthStream then conducts extensive statistical analyses to ensure that each item meets or exceeds psychometric standards.

HealthStream's knowledge assessments help to show how to improve and measure healthcare staff competency across an entire healthcare organization. This blog post is taken from the HealthStream article, HealthStream Uses Rigorous Six-Step Process to Develop Leading Edge Knowledge Assessments.

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