
Don’t Miss The Upcoming ANCC National Magnet Conference

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) has its action-packed ANCC National Magnet Conference coming Oct. 10-12 in Orlando, Fla., and if you’re a nurse, nurse leader, or healthcare executive you don’t want to miss it!

The ANCC, which credentials organizations and individuals who advance nursing, always has a stellar roster of speakers, seminars, workshops and more lined up for this event, which usually draws around 10,000 nurses every year — and 2019 is no different. There are more than 70 new concurrent sessions, as well as many innovative preconference sessions focused on enhancing education, improving patient care and other nursing-focused topics. Here’s a rundown of the event:

Dynamic motivational speakers

This year’s keynote speaker lineup is guaranteed to motivate attendees as they strive to become better nurses and nurse leaders. They and their topics are:

  • Gretchen Rubin

    Working Better Than Before: Understanding Habits to Manage Yourself — and Others — Better

    The better you understand yourself, and your colleagues, the easier it will be to start working better than before. Gretchen points out several crucial differences in how people approach the world. Understanding these differences allows us to manage ourselves better, manage other people better, and reduce arguments about who is “right” and “wrong.”

  • Charles Kunkle MSN, CEN, CCRN, BC-NA

    No Time To Care: A Leadership Game Plan To Ensure Caregiver Engagement

    How do you get a multigenerational workforce, already feeling overwhelmed and burned out, to become motivated and accountable? Charles will provide an 8-step process that is easy to implement, inexpensive to maintain and most importantly, fun to do!

  • Leon Logothetis

    The Kindness Diaries

    Leon’s speech covers his incredible journey around the world relying solely on the kindness of others. Real. Raw. Rewarding. Leon’s speech is sure to leave members refreshed and ready to change the world!

    Symposiums, workshops and continuing education opportunities

    Learning, coaching and networking also are front and center, including:

  • The annual ANCC Practice Transition Accreditation Program(PTAP) Symposium

    Create, Cultivate, Celebrate: Transition-to-Practice Programs

  • Magnet Program: Getting Started

    Gain a solid foundation at this one-of-a-kind workshop for healthcare organizations considering the Magnet Journey, Getting Started: Magnet Program Guidance

  • Nurse Executive Certification Interactive Review Course Workshop

    ANA’s Nurse Executive Certification Interactive Review Course Workshop design aligns with evidence-based educational best practices regarding how our brains work and learn. Learners complete online modules before the conference, at their pace, on their timeframe. This approach immerses them in content and activities designed to reinforce knowledge and concepts necessary to successfully prepare for the certification exam. Then, at the preconference live session, learners interact with the knowledge coach in a face-to-face setting.

  • The New Nurse Manager Basics Workshop

    From leadership and communication to the business knowledge necessary to run a unit effectively, this one-day interactive workshop is designed to provide you with key skills necessary to be a successful nurse manager.

  • ANCC Pathway to Excellence Applicant Workshop

Discover how your organization can create a healthy work environment where a culture of excellence fosters frontline staff to lead from the bedside. Develop a solid foundation aligned with your organization’s strategic goals to drive improvements in organizational outcomes.

A full roster of concurrent sessions also will be available. For more info on those, click here.

The conference also will feature a packed exhibit hall with the latest innovations and technologies in display from industry leaders such as Stryker, Cerner, and Walden University.

Sound exciting? It’s going to be amazing—register today so you can take advantage of the education, insights and peer networking the event has to offer.

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