Healthcare Training and Development that Uses AI Individualizes the Learning Experience

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Healthcare workplace development driven by artificial intelligence (AI) can help organizations pinpoint clinician competency improvement efforts as part of achieving great outcomes. This was one of the themes of the HealthStream webinar, “Meet Jane, the First Clinical Competency System with AI.” This blog post is the third based on the webinar, which focused on workforce development challenges typical in healthcare and HealthStream’s new AI-driven technology solution.

Presenter Denise Salerno is a Senior Clinical Sales Executive at HealthStream. Passionate about clinical competency development and dedicated to helping her customers meet their clinical goals, Salerno spent five years as a radiation therapist and worked in radiation oncology before becoming an account executive for medical device companies, and eventually HealthStream.

The Jane Student Experience

Jane measures clinical competency by assessing knowledge and critical thinking. The knowledge assessments through Jane use multiple choice questions, all of which much be answered before submitting the assessment. Results identify recommended learning that a student can complete to address knowledge gaps. For a student completing an AI-based critical thinking assessment, the exercise includes eight different video vignettes, each two minutes in length. After each video, the student has 12 minutes to complete the conversation component built with IBM Watson. Based on the vignette, Watson will ask, “What is the primary problem that is emerging with this patient?” followed by “What observation led you to this conclusion?” According to Salerno, Jane works her way through “the problem, observation, the action, the rationale, and then whether this is an urgent or not an urgent situation.” She adds, “These are the five things on which we are basing our measurement of critical thinking and clinical judgement as we assess our nurses.” If a student has trouble answering a question, he or she can type “move on” and return to the question at the end of the exercise, if possible within the 12-minute timeframe. After 12 minutes have elapsed and, hopefully, all questions are answered, the student must watch the next video and answer subsequent questions, for a total of eight scenarios.

How Managers Use Jane

A Jane administrator will manage student users, as well as view assessment results and make assignments based on them. Depending on manager level, it is possible to view all students at the organization down to only those in the appropriate department. Based on a student’s individual circumstances, the administrator can assign assessments on an annual basis or immediately for new hires or employees transferring to a new area. Most RN specialty groups are listed and available to be assigned, as are many allied health professional roles. According to Salerno, there are “75 total roles built in here today that you can pick from.” Once the student’s specialty is entered, the system automatically suggests appropriate knowledge assessments, as well as a critical thinking assessment. The administrator can choose every assessment appropriate for a student, and they will be added to that user’s To-Do list.

Managers and Assessment Results

When it comes to student results, managers can get all the important information from knowledge assessments—student name, the name of the assessment, the assigned and completed dates, and the benchmark score, which is the national average of people taking this exam. Managers also get a student’s percentile ranking here, as well as the ability to drill down into areas of the assessment that were a challenge. What is important, according to Salerno, is the “immediate feedback for improvement on the areas that the student answered incorrectly.” And, these results are “very individualized, so you're not having to apply the same learning activities, for example, to all nurses coming into your organization.” A competency development plan can be developed that is unique to every student. To facilitate this purpose, managers also have access to the recommended learning, based on the assessment, driven by HealthStream’s proprietary taxonomy for the CE path library. A few simple clicks can add courses to a student’s To-do list, to the extent a manager deems appropriate. Students themselves can pick additional courses to supplement those chosen by a manager.

For the critical thinking assessments, managers get a similar amount of information. And, here again, the post-assessment development plan in the form of a checklist can then be assigned out to a student based on their results. Students will work through that process with a preceptor, and the manager will also get results upon completion. Having an exact idea of the areas where a student faltered enables managers to pinpoint areas that need more focus for building competency. Improving outcomes requires that healthcare organizations ensure every member of the clinical staff is competent to the greatest extent possible. Jane helps achieve this goal.

Access the complete webinar recording.

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