How Does Hiring the Right People Affect Your Bottom Line in Healthcare?

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

By Patrick Scaglione, Solution Executive-Talent Management, HealthStream

Imagine a world where you hired a healthcare professional, and they stayed with your organization until retirement. That’s the goal right? Think about how much money that would save your organization. A hospital that is short-staffed is bleeding money. Some even have to turn away patients to other facilities. The nurses who are still with that organization have a much bigger workload, which can cause leadership to hire contingent staff at twice the rate they are paying employees. I meet with VPs of HR weekly, and the main thing keeping them up at night is turnover and retention. The truth is that there is really no way to prevent it. Health competition between hospitals is critical to improving outcomes, but people change jobs for many other reasons. So, how can we control it?

The first step is to hire the right people.

If you are recruiting people who align with your vision and mission as an organization, you will have a much easier time retaining them. Human Resources and the clinical staff need to work together and put a system in place that defines what they are looking for in a new employee. This system can be more easily managed with an applicant tracking system. The different nursing departments can define what pre hire questions they want applicants to answer before there is even a phone screen. Applicants can taking Competency Exams before coming on-site for an interview. There are even behavioral assessments that can be giving during the interview process that are specific to nursing. All of this creates more efficiency and allows recruiters and hiring managers to focus on applicants who are a true fit for their healthcare organization. This can all be done within the HealthStream Recruiting Center.

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