Our Partner nThrive Wins Brandon Hall Gold Award—HealthStream Technology Plays Key Role

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

nThrive and Vermont HITEC, in conjunction with HealthStream, have been awarded the Gold Award for the Best Unique or Innovative Workforce Management Program by the Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence Awards.

Our winning application was titled “Developing Successful Medical Coders from the Ground Up,” and highlights a unique approach to developing and hiring medical coders in the state of Vermont. The program targets unemployed and underemployed individuals and teaches them everything that they need to know to enter the field of medical coding, as well as secure successful job placements for graduates.

This award is primarily for nThrive and Vermont HITEC’s innovative program, with HealthStream as a co-applicant and technology partner. All involved parties are very proud of receiving the award, especially given the rigorous judging process. The entries were evaluated by an international panel of independent industry experts, Brandon Hall Group senior analysts, and Brandon Hall’s executive leadership team. The judging was based on the following criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation, and overall measurable benefits.

Read a previous blog post about this program.

Learn more about the Brandon Hall Awards.

Learn more about nThrive.

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