Personalized Clinical Development Plans, Driven by Artificial Intelligence

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

This Post is the final of three that excerpts our article, “Personalized Development Plans Are Essential for Healthcare Clinicians - A Q&A with Trisha Coady, Senior Vice President And General Manager Of Clinical Solutions, HealthStream.”

Tell us more about automated, personalized development plans.

The automated, personalized development plan includes all scores, alongside national benchmarks for that assessment and learner population, as well as a breakdown of strengths and opportunities. It also includes recommended learning activities based on the learner’s knowledge gaps, and a preceptor card (personalized facilitation) that can be provided to the nurse’s preceptor to help develop critical thinking. Our hope is that this will inspire clinicians to grow in their competence throughout their 35 year careers and enable leaders to quickly identify risk and target key areas of opportunity. It’s really a game-changer in nursing where we’ve struggled to truly optimize outcomes given the volume of staff and responsibilities we oversee.  

What makes this an even bigger problem in healthcare?

In most other industries, managers have in the vicinity of ten direct reports—it’s a challenge to effectively manage any more than that. Healthcare, however, is very different with nurse managers overseeing on average of 35-40 nurses. I’ve also heard of situations with as many as 90 direct reports. Beyond that, healthcare leaders are also responsible for the experience and outcomes of their patient or resident populations in a value-based environment with already low margins. The breadth and depth of responsibility is a nearly impossible challenge. At HealthStream, we feel a duty to develop creative solutions that facilitate automation and surface critical data that leads to more targeted action. Our #1 focus is to empower leaders to improve healthcare so we’re thrilled to be launching these unique and innovative solutions that do just that.

Other installments in this series address continuing education, knowledge assessment, workforce taxonomy, and automation.

Download the full article here.
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