Select and Develop Healthcare Staff with Science-Based Tools

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

This partner profile blog features our valued partner for healthcare talent management solutions, Select International.

Tell us about your organization and its expertise.

Select International is one of the top providers of scientifically-developed behavioral assessment tools for hiring and for organizational development. For two decades, we’ve been providing these tools and our expertise about the science of hiring to clients that include the United Nations, Merck, Toyota, and GE. Several years ago, in response to the changing healthcare landscape, we developed a dedicated suite of solutions and team of experts to help our healthcare clients select and develop leaders prepared for today’s healthcare environment, as well as physicians, nurses, and front line staff who are collaborative and patient- and family-focused. 

What are your main solutions?

  • The Physician Success Program – We build physician interview guides and use Select Assessment for Physicians.
  • The Nursing Success Program – This usually combines Select Interviewing for Healthcare with NurseFit and Select Assessment for Nursing.
  • The Front Line Staff Success Program – Here, we combine our interviewing program with ServiceFit for Healthcare.

These tools are often combined into an organization-wide solution where we work to define the behavioral competencies for all job families, the most efficient and effective hiring system at every level, and then implement a combination of our tools—generally pre-employment behavioral assessments, our Select Interviewing interview guides, and behavioral interviewing training, and then post-hire assessments for development. 

What outcomes does your solution ideally produce?

Designed and implemented correctly, a selection system will contribute to organizational success, help to build a patient-centered, high performance culture, help you choose candidates who will be better performers, and reduce turnover and even time to fill positions.

What are the primary healthcare problems your solutions help address?

When the HCAHPS program first rolled out, clients were looking for ways to identify candidates more likely to contribute to a patient-centered culture and better patient satisfaction scores. While that’s still the case, more clients now are looking for help not only identifying candidates with the right behavioral skills, but those who “fit” the culture and are likely to stay because turnover is costly on many levels. We are also seeing growing demand for a more deliberate approach to selection and development of behavioral skills in physicians, physician-leaders, and administrators.

Can you share a story about a specific customer’s success with your product?

Recently, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center started planning its new, state-of-the-art campus, UPMC East. We built the selection system for the senior team and then worked with that group to define the behavioral competencies they were looking for in staff. We then implemented all of our tools to hire every member of the UPMC East Team, focusing on patient-centered behaviors. UPMC East, after three years, has the highest patient satisfaction scores in the entire system!

What new solutions are you in the process of developing? 

Our new Success Coach platform is a game changer in the area of executive assessment. Select Assessment for Physicians is the first of its kind physician-specific behavioral assessment. The Select C.A.R.E.S. Assessment is the first behavioral assessment designed to support patient experience training. In twelve minutes, an individual can understand his or her behavioral traits that impact how they interact with patients and then target training based on their individual needs. We are also starting to look at the role of individual behavioral traits in patient safety, based on safety work we’ve been doing in other industries, for years.

What in your opinion is the biggest unmet need in healthcare?

It’s all about cost and quality – i.e. “value.” Patient outcomes, including patient satisfaction, are driven by talent and behaviors. Healthcare is just realizing what other industries did two decades ago—that a deliberate, scientific approach to selecting, retaining and developing the right people—senior leaders, physicians, nurses, and front line staff has a significant impact on outcomes and organizational success. But those who get it are implementing progressive talent strategies and seeing the results.

Why have you chosen to partner with HealthStream?

This was a no-brainer for the Select International Healthcare Solutions team. For years HealthStream has been a respected partner of health systems, providing cutting edge solutions. With HealthStream’s recent emphasis on talent tools, we wanted to be part of that suite of solutions. We think about talent the same way, and every time we meet with our HealthStream colleagues, we come away excited about all they have going on—all of the innovative solutions they are developing and a list of new ways that we can collaborate to help our clients!

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