Seven Best Practices of HLC Administration

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

HealthStream Learning Center (HLC) Administrators are at the heart of every successful HealthStream learning program. We chatted with several HLC administrators, and asked them their best practices for HLC administration. The practices below will elevate your learning management experience and provide the best outcomes for your entire organization.

#1 – Know your HR team!

You don’t have to know it all! In fact, you probably never will. Make sure that you have a “go-to” person in HR if you don’t wear that hat yourself. When it is time to add new job titles and departments or update the old, you will need to be aware of these changes and the effect on students and their associations to student groups and job titles.

#2 – Run your reports on time!

Trying to figure out who was supposed to take “which-courses-when” years, months, or even weeks after the fact is not easy to do sometimes. This is particularly true if you use profile student groups when creating your assignments. The very nature of those groups means that they will change over time. Make sure to run your reports as soon as you can to determine assignment completion compliance. Save them in an Excel, .csv, or other format that will NOT change, and hang on to them for the future. If you do your work now, you will be prepared for unexpected requests later!

#3 – Start small

Don’t think you have to know it all or do it all right away. Confidence leads to competence! However, if you do find yourself in a position of being asked to bite off more than you can chew, prioritize first things first, and come up with plan to get the rest done with some help from others. We have a great team of professionals who can help!

#4 – Not everyone needs Admin Access

Your managers may think that they need to have it all, but they probably don’t. Be thoughtful, and consider carefully the tasks that they perform before you give out access. Remember that an unintended action can wreak havoc on system settings, student access, and group assignments. Limit administrative access to those who truly need it.

#5 – Don‘t succumb to peer pressure

It may seem easy to say yes, but soon you’ll find that adding content or creating assignments just because someone said you should will leave you wishing you said no. Take time to come up with an education plan. Develop relationships with in-house subject matter experts who can work with your stakeholders to carefully and deliberately design education that works for your staff.

#6 – Use HealthStream’s online resources!

Keep calm and use our resources! There are a lot of them right at your fingertips including Show Me How videos, online help, and documented recommended practices. Take time to review these with new administrators, and come back to review them from time to time. Don’t forget that we also have a variety of training modalities too, from instructor-led to computer-based. There is something for every type of learner.

#7 – Don’t let the little things get you down!

Trust us when we say that everyone has something to learn. It’s easy to wish that we knew it all just like the experts, but even the experts are on a continuous learning journey. Becoming a HealthStream aficionado takes time. If you need help, take advantage of our huge HealthStream family. Our online community and HUG meetings are a great way to learn and chat live with other customers who have been there, done that and are willing to tell the tale!

Need HLC administrative assistance? HealthStream offers Virtual Administrator Services to reduce administrative burdens, optimize performance, and drive maximum customer value from the HealthStream Learning Center. HealthStream’s Virtual Administrator service provides an HLC certified professional to a customer’s organization on an interim or permanent basis, with defined hours and a defined scope of responsibility. The Virtual Administrator provides immediate, knowledgeable, and trustworthy administrative resources to support your needs and facilitate your success. To learn more about Virtual Administrators, click here


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