Sometimes a Healthcare Employee Leaves Due to Something about the Job Itself

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

To have an impact on turnover, healthcare organizations need to be sure employees are happy with the very characteristics of their jobs. Many people depart due to some aspect of their jobs, whether it is stress, workload, sense of contribution, or preparation.

The HealthStream article, 7 Common Reasons People Leave Healthcare Jobs and What to Do about It, looks at the labor market, examines trends involving hiring, job previews, and orientation, and connects these key areas to the retention problem in healthcare. Here is an excerpt from the article:

“I’m Leaving Because I Dislike Something about My Job”

Job characteristics that lead to turnover may involve an unmanageable workload, non-enjoyment of the work being done, poor preparation for required job tasks, and no sense of ownership. As job options have increased, workers are not tolerant of jobs that do not meet their expectations or that they simply do not like. To prevent staff from leaving for these reasons, organizations must get better at providing realistic job previews, communicating core characteristics, and providing effective training for workers to prevent turnover.

Feeling Effective and Positively Challenged Is Important

An ideal situation to promote retention is one where employees “feel that their skills are being used effectively in their role and they have positive challenges at work. They should also feel satisfied with their role in the healthcare organization. Without positive perceptions of their jobs, healthcare employees are likely to seek employment elsewhere. Managers can improve employee perceptions and satisfaction by understanding the skill levels of each staff member, creating opportunities for positive challenges or new responsibilities, and ensuring hired individuals have the abilities needed for the position” (LaPointe, 2017).



LaPointe, J., “Management, Job Perception Drive Healthcare Employee Turnover,” RevCycleIntelligence, December 20, 2017, Retrieved at

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