
Successful Healthcare Recruiting Has Changed: White Paper

In the not too distant past, healthcare recruiting didn’t require much more than “posting and praying;” recruiters listed jobs and waited for candidates to respond. Today, massive industry disruption is empowering HR and talent management leaders to create sophisticated recruiting processes to attract and engage the right candidates. Finding and hiring the right people in healthcare has never been more important in this age of radical reform, innovation and consumerism. At the same time, healthcare is experiencing advances in numerous areas that also impact recruiting, including technology, data analytics, and social media. Moreover, for the first time in modern history, America's workforce spans four generations, including Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and even the Silent Generation (70s and beyond) who remain an active part of the workforce.

Recruiting a top-of-the-line healthcare workforce is critically important to any hospital’s future effectiveness. In fact in a recent HealthStream HR Executive Survey, 75% of healthcare organizations say having a talent acquisition strategy is more important today than even a year ago. More than half admit that the efficacy of their current strategy is middle of the road and 78% say attracting quality candidates is more difficult this year than last. To these points, the healthcare talent industry is rolling out a new roadmap aimed at improving the entire recruiting life cycle, including time-to-hire, quality-of-hire, and process improvement. HR and talent leaders are bucking traditional recruiting models and zeroing in on targeted networking strategies that bring in qualified job candidates. What’s more, they are integrating technology, analytics, standardized selection processes, and tactical engagement practices into the hiring process. The ultimate goal: Recruit a high-performing workforce that is prepared to handle the ever-changing demands in healthcare delivery.

This paper looks at the healthcare trends reshaping the employment landscape and the new rules of healthcare recruiting.

April 1, 2021

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