The Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence to Individualize Nurse Orientation and Training

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Imagine what it feels like to be an experienced clinician who is assigned the same introduction to your organization and its specific take on patient care and processes as a new graduate that you have just hired, with little to no clinical experience. Likewise, what if your new graduate nurses are not getting adequate orientation training, leaving them feeling lost, panicked, and ultimately disheartened about their choice of a career? You might spend a significant amount on getting them ready to care for patients just to have them quit from the stress and frustration of not feeling adequately prepared. That’s why HealthStream has established the Jane™ system as a highly reliable, effective, and evidence-based method for the assessment and validation of clinical competency—with the ultimate goal of a more targeted orientation, personalized developmental training, and on-going maintenance of competency.

Benefits of Using AI in a System Like Jane

In addition to competency validation, Jane is a comprehensive system whose approach to ensuring the readiness and ability of your nursing staff can provide multiple benefits to healthcare organizations. Those benefits include the ability to:

  1. Enhance current orientation processes for newly licensed and experienced hires
    Make sure the orientation that you are providing matches where your new hires are in their careers. Those who are just beginning as clinicians need a far more extensive introduction than new staff who are seasoned professionals and just hired into your organization. Ideally, you’ll be able to give these new employees orientation training better suited to their needs. By assessing first, we can then curate unique education plans based on assessment outcomes, rather than a blanket approach which we know, can sometimes be ineffective.
  2. Improve clinical competency of bedside clinicians
    You can assess the competency of your existing staff and use your findings to assign training in any areas where you discover they are deficient. Likewise, as the growing reliance on evidence-based practice changes long accepted standards and healthcare processes, you can make sure your staff is providing the highest quality care.
  3. Decrease organizational risk
    When you are ensuring your employees are competent to provide the highest quality care, you reduce risk for your organization. Healthcare providers have enough to worry about without adding the concern that clinicians may not know what they are doing or may not be following the latest evidence-based best practices.

This blog post is the first in a series excerpting the HealthStream article, Using AI to Assess and Build Competency in New and Existing Clinicians. The article also includes:

  • Situations Where Jane Would Be Useful
  • Understanding What’s Involved with Jane
  • Customer Focus Is a Key Jane Feature
  • The Future Vision for Jane

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