The Challenges of Planning Annual Required Healthcare Training

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

In addition to the 629 regulations covering healthcare entities, there are literally tens of thousands of other federal and state regulations for individual clinicians and healthcare providers. For anyone responsible for compliance training, it is truly a nightmare to find all these training requirements and then organize them into a curriculum specific for each job function within an organization.

An Annual Meeting to Discuss Requirements and Regulations

One scenario that occurs for many healthcare organizations is a planning meeting for everyone involved in annual healthcare training. Typically, the person in charge of learning gathers everyone together who has a role in this effort along with their accreditation agency standards, lists of known regulations, and the documentation of everything that was required the previous year.

Ensuring Compliance as Training Requirements Change

Some meeting participants bring in information about a current news story, for example a local tragedy or the threat of ransomware, which they want to include as a subject for additional training. Before any organization can even begin to include training for important initiatives or pending regulation, it must make certain that all mandatory training is covered. As a baseline for mandatory training, state and federal obligations must be satisfied first.

Discipline-Determined Training Needs

A common challenge is to find out exactly what training is required for each learner based on their discipline and assign it to them. For example, respiratory therapists will likely have different state mandated requirements than those applicable to a certified nursing assistant. Even though the relevant regulations are most likely available on the internet, they are often hard to find and even harder to interpret.

This blog post excerpts the HealthStream article, The Challenge of Translating Healthcare Regulations into Training Curricula, by Ben Diamond, Vice President of Compliance Solutions, and Debbie Newsholme, Senior Director of Content Develop­ment and Compliance Solutions, at HCCS, A HealthStream Company. The article also includes:

  • Statistics about the Current Monetary and Labor Burden for Healthcare Compliance
  • The Impact of Compliance on Healthcare Staff
  • Compliance Concerns for Specific Continuum Environments
  • A Training Planning Case Study: Respiratory Therapist in Tennessee

Access the full article here.

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