The Value of Learning with Video - Experience HealthStream’s COVID-19 Channel

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more obvious than ever that healthcare organizations need to adopt video as a learning option for employees. In response to this, we have created a free access Channel platform for video learning as a resource for healthcare workers. This Channel offers a collection of curated videos from HealthStream, partners, and several trusted sources on YouTube, such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic. The channel is best suited for healthcare facilities who want to get information to their employees quickly, without the necessity to create assignments and track completions. Users can simply browse and keyword search videos on a wide range of COVID-19 related topics. It’s available 24/7 on demand to anyone for free, and no login is required. 


Three Video Content Tabs

Content on the COVID-19 Channel is divided into three tabs, allowing viewers to browse and watch what is most relevant to their needs. They are:

  1. COVID-19
  2. The COVID-19 tab is an area of curated videos specifically for healthcare workers. The sub-categories are sequenced in a general order of events for new and returning employees. Starting with on-boarding and resources, viewers can browse or search videos for common tasks and skills such as proper donning and doffing of PPE, and correct operation of common devices, such as monitors and ventilators. The last areas cover information about two determinations of patient disposition—Admit and Self-Quarantine. In these areas, you can browse or search videos ranging from patient care in acute settings to homebound patient education and telehealth.

  3. Health
  4. The Health tab contains videos ranging from the basics or essentials of COVID-19 to a deeper dive into various specific comorbidities associated with care. Under the Health tab, you’ll also find videos covering more general academic information related to pandemic epidemiology and public policy.

  5. New Normal
  6. The New Normal tab is for everyone. In this area, you can explore the basics of social distancing, making masks, coping with quarantine, and working virtually. It contains tips for preventing infection, staying well with a good diet, as well as mental and physical exercise.

Video Is Important for Education and Learning

In addition to the obvious benefits video presents for learning during a time like now, when in-person training is not possible, it has long-term advantages for organizations who regularly use and require employee education as a strategic necessity. HealthStream’s video partner Kaltura offers some key points about the benefits of learning by video:

  • Training can be delivered remotely, all over the world, to wherever employees are.
  • Learning visually allows for deeper understanding and retention of information.
  • Learners typically find video-based learning more engaging.
  • Video makes it easier for learners to connect the consequences of their training to possible results.
  • Advanced video tools offer even greater possibilities for learning in the future.

The Value of Virtual Classrooms

A virtual classroom has flexibility for training that goes beyond just playing a video or providing access to a talking presenter. It can contain multiple communication options, including chat, cloud-based video hosting, and multiple presenters. A virtual classroom is also amenable to content in multiple formats, from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents to a wide variety of graphics, all of which can be white boarded. In addition, you can draw, annotate, add text, and highlight as needed. The options for interactivity are powerful. Watch or read the case study about using a virtual classroom.

HealthStream Video

With powerful authoring, a deep library of searchable assets, feature-rich video tools, and centralized publishing with sharing and built-in tracking, HealthStream’s Content Authoring & Video Tools make designing rich learning experiences for your organization intuitive and easy. HealthStream Content Authoring & Video Tools unlock the power of fully customized online learning and video content to help develop the leaders of tomorrow.

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