Use Performance Management in Healthcare, Support Employee Engagement

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

A Guest Blog By HealthStream Partner Michael Cohen, Healthcare Management and Employee Development Consultant

Employee engagement continues to be a hot topic in healthcare, and we are excited to have Michael Cohen share how performance management is a necessary part of the process.  Check out Michael's checklist below, and ensure you have the most engaged staff possible at your facility.

Performance management in healthcare comprises the process of: 

  • Identifying employee (organizational or work unit) strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Establishing performance improvement objectives
  • Agreeing on the means by which objectives will be achieved and how results will be evaluated
  • Assessing the resources available to facilitate (hinder) success
  • Locking in the rewards for achievement and the consequences for failure. 

Performance management in healthcare comprises the process of: 

  • Identifying employee (organizational or work unit) strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Establishing performance improvement objectives
  • Agreeing on the means by which objectives will be achieved and how results will be evaluated
  • Assessing the resources available to facilitate (hinder) success
  • Locking in the rewards for achievement and the consequences for failure. 

Command decisions to consensus buildingWhen properly executed, using performance management in healthcare can alter the leader-employee relationship from:

  • Task orientation to a focus on verifiable results
  • Motivation through fear to positive reinforcement and individual responsibility
  • Leaders having all the answers to utilizing employees as consultants in decision making processes
  • Record keeping and documenting mistakes to coaching for success
  • Unstated vision and assumed values to the open sharing of purpose


As an engaged leader you are not actually managing employees. They are managing themselves. You are managing their performance. You communicate the vision, establish performance standards and provide the resources for employees to succeed. Employees ultimately decide if they have the intrinsic motivation and skill sets to meet your performance expectations.

About the Author:

Michael Cohen presents keynote addresses and leadership development workshops for healthcare organizations throughout the United States. He is the author of four books – On-The-Job Survival, The Power of Self Management, What You Accept Is What You Teach, and Time To Lead. Find out more about Michael’s presentations and books.

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