
Use Training to Improve Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management: Articles

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

All staff with patient access responsibilities must perform effectively to ensure the success of the healthcare revenue cycle in its entirety. With the shift toward high-deductible health plans and the growth in newly insured individuals, Patient Access is faced with communicating and collecting increasingly larger amounts for which patients are financially responsible. In addition to patient communications, these employees must fully understand insurance plans, coordination of benefits, medical necessity and ABNS, and the importance of the demographic and insurance information they collect and record.

Our training provides Patient Access employees with the necessary training to ensure patients understand their financial obligations and payment options. This information, when communicated properly, increases payment collection and reduces days of AR.

Working with Patient Access Staff to Improve Revenue Cycle Performance

Patient Access representatives hold more responsibility and expectations than ever before, yet in many hospitals, there is no dedicated training for these staff members. This lack of training can lead to front-end errors and ultimately denied claims, costing your organization both time and money. Download the article to learn how to improve your revenue cycle outcomes.

Data Defenders: Creating a Risk-Aware Culture

Healthcare continues to come under attack by cyber-criminals. Often, their first target is employees, as they offer the most direct path to sensitive data. Download this article and learn how to train your staff to become a security asset, not a security liability.

MACRA and MIPS: Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

In a recent survey of healthcare executives, nearly two-thirds said they were unprepared or even very unprepared for the Quality Payment Program prescribed by MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act). Download this resource to find several steps you can take to avoid a potential negative Medicare payment adjustment under MACRA’s Quality Payment Program.

Reimbursements at Risk: Preventing Errors from Patient Access to Discharge

According to the American College of Healthcare Executives, the top three revenue cycle problems across all healthcare organizations are Medicare reimbursement, the timeliness of Medicaid reimbursement, and bad debt. Since these issues remain largely outside the control of providers, organizations need to direct resources where they can make a positive and significant difference.

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