Using Training to Overcome Healthcare Challenges: Articles Focused on Healthcare Learning

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Challenges are common within the healthcare industry, from the need for developing the workforce to improving care quality and outcomes. Below we’ve collected recent HealthStream articles with one common theme—the vital role that training can play in changing results for patients, their families, and our providers.

Trends in Interactive Learning

Relevance requires transformation, and the future of how healthcare workers are educated is no exception. Download this article and learn how the newest trends in interactive learning can impact your organization.

How Avera Health Used Leadership Development Training to Improve Outcomes

Leadership development training is essential to employee retention and new leader development. Read how Christine Buell of Avera Health implemented a leadership development program that improved outcomes throughout her organization.

Overcoming the Fear of CPR: More Frequent Training, Feedback, and Patient Surveillance

Even trained healthcare professionals can lack confidence in their ability to deliver CPR, often resulting in fear or avoidance of Mock Codes. HealthStream called on CPR Specialist Nicole Kupchik to share best practices for overcoming obstacles in resuscitation training. Learn how to tackle pressing issues with pauses, chest compression fraction, defibrillation events, over-ventilation, and more – equipping your organization for improved outcomes. Download the article now.

Data Defenders: Creating a Risk-Aware Culture

Healthcare continues to come under attack by cyber-criminals. Often, their first target is employees, as they offer the most direct path to sensitive data. Download this article and learn how to train your staff to become a security asset, not a security liability.

Working with Patient Access Staff to Improve Revenue Cycle Performance

Patient Access representatives hold more responsibility and expectations than ever before, yet in many hospitals, there is no dedicated training for these staff members. This lack of training can lead to front-end errors and ultimately denied claims, costing your organization both time and money. Download the article to learn how to improve your revenue cycle outcomes.

With Maternal Mortality Rates on the Rise, OB Risk Must be a Priority

Maternal mortality rates in the United States are the highest for any high resource country—and that number is rising. Download this article and learn what your clinical staff can do to reverse this alarming trend.

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