Women's Hospital

Big wins in staff engagement and competency with Quality OB and Quality EC

August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021

About the Customer

Woman’s was one of the first women’s specialty hospitals in the nation, and is currently one of the largest in the United States. Opened in November 1968, Woman’s is a private, nonprofit organization that is consistently recognized for its care of women and infants.


Woman’s Hospital has long been recognized for a number of achievements -- one of the first women’s specialty hospitals in the nation, largest delivery service in Louisiana, Nursing Magnet status, and a Top Place to Work according to Modern Healthcare Magazine. As such, it was imperative this facility provide top-notch education opportunities to both its nurses and physicians. Their current product did not have the depth of topics they hoped for, and feedback from staff indicated it was not engaging or user-friendly.


Woman’s Hospital wanted a solution that served both nurses and physicians. HealthStream’s Quality Obstetrics (OB) and Quality Emergency Care (EC) programs were attractive because they were interactive, engaging, and met the latest industry standards and guidelines. Additionally, the EC program covered emergency care content they had been hoping to add for several years.


Staff buy-in for the new educational programs was immediate, with positive feedback and improved confidence, especially for new nurses. An added bonus has been the ease in assigning modules, tracking and reporting progress, and utilizing data within the Control Center. Leadership and staff have been very pleased with the ease of use and access to a wide variety of relevant content, particularly for high-risk scenarios.

“Compared to our previous provider of education in this area, HealthStream’s Quality OB and EC programs have been enthusiastically received by our staff and leadership. The content is more engaging, covers a variety of relevant, evidence-based topics, and is continually updated to align with the latest standards of care. Since switching to [Quality OB, Quality EC], our staff is happier and more confident in their roles.”

Obstetrical Services & Educational Services Team

Let us show you how HealthStream’s Quality OB and EC programs can transform concern into confidence with a coordinated team, equipped to deliver expert care.

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