2018 Healthcare Security and Safety Week: Recognizing the Trusted Partners in Healthcare

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Every year the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) celebrates security and safety professionals during Healthcare Security and Safety Week. IAHSS invites organizations to join them during this week in showing support and appreciation for their safety and security officers. This year’s theme is “Trusted Partners in Healthcare,” and it recognizes “the importance of security and safety in healthcare and acknowledges the strong commitment, diligence and care officers display in their practice and profession.”

Every Organization Faces Security and Safety Threats

No organization is exempt from the risk of a security breach or a HIPAA violation. In the past, physical security threats were the only type of attacks that security officers and their organizations needed to worry about. Now electronic security threats are growing in frequency each year and must be addressed as a part of security awareness training. Cyber-attacks can severely impact operations and have the potential to negatively affect patient care.

Every year a healthcare facility will face an average of 11.4 cyberattacks, costing an average of $363 for each patient record breached. Only 33% of healthcare organizations rate their security posture as “very effective.” Two-thirds of the facilities audited by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) didn’t have a complete or accurate security risk assessment and 89% of those facilities had findings.

Preparing employees to recognize and prevent malicious physical and electronic threats is an organization's first line of defense. Security and safety officers play a vital role in providing a safe and secure physical environment for staff, patients, and visitors and in the protection of electronic systems and patient health information.

Raise Security and Safety Awareness

This week, show your appreciation for your healthcare security professionals by highlighting their importance to your administrators, colleagues, and friends. IAHSS outlines the following key messages for the week that should be shared with your organization:

  1. All healthcare security and safety professionals have a critical responsibility to uphold the highest level of quality and service in their practice to ensure the delivery of superior protection to healthcare facilities, healthcare personnel, patients, visitors and society. 
  2. Security and safety is an essential component of the everyday healthcare practice across all healthcare settings and is inextricably linked to quality.
  3. The IAHSS Code of Ethics serves as a guide for carrying out healthcare security and safety responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality protection services and the IAHSS mission of the profession in “leading excellence in healthcare security, safety and emergency management”.
  4. Healthcare security and safety professionals are recognized by the public for upholding high standards and are highly trusted as a result.

Educate Your Staff and Administrators

Risk cannot be eliminated, but it can be reduced. This week, stand with IAHSS, your security and safety professionals, your staff, and your patients by ensuring that your organization is using effective security compliance training. All staff and administrators need to be educated on security compliance and HIPAA rules and regulations in order to mitigate your risk of a breach and avoid potentially costly mistakes.

Recognize Healthcare Security and Safety Week by making sure your organization’s security training programs meet the highest standards. Learn how HealthStream’s HIPAA training and security training opportunities can improve the protection of your patients, staff, and electronic information.

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