Physicians’ Opioid Prescription Choices for Patients Are Being Affected by New Laws

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

“Physicians want to continue to provide great care to their patients, [despite their concerns about increased opioid prescription oversight],” says Anna M. Grizzle, an attorney with Nashville law firm, Bass, Berry & Sims. “It’s overwhelming to them. It’s not just one agency taking a look; there are a lot of them.”

The Need to Keep Up with Changing Opioid Prescription Laws

“It’s a challenge to providers to keep up with the changes in laws, especially for providers operating in multiple states,” she continues. “It can be difficult to keep track of what their requirements are, where some states are dictating what a physician needs to write in his or her medical record and others are not.”

With that in mind, a major question when it comes to training and development becomes how to attain physician buy-in at a time when they feel that their medical judgment is being questioned. The answer, Grizzle says, can be fairly straightforward.

Identify Opioid Prescription Solutions and Share Them

“Arming compliance professionals with education on the seriousness of the issue, while at the same time offering suggestions for how physicians can continue to treat their patients is the best way to get physician buy-in,” she explains. “And it’s important for the physicians involved to understand this is not a criticism of past care, but rather a way for them to learn a better approach based on evidence currently available on this evolving medical issue.”

This Blog Post is an excerpt from the HealthStream Article, “Navigating the Unknowns of Opioid Regulation and Education: Regulatory and Enforcement Actions Around Opioid Addiction Heighten the Need for Awareness.”

Other sections of the article include:

  • Recent major legal actions involving unlawful opioid prescription
  • Two-way communication smooths oversight path forward
  • Renewed focus on training and compliance

Download the full article about Opioid Addiction, Enforcement, and Compliance Training.

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