Big Picture Trends Changing Healthcare in 2018

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

The healthcare industry is in a time of great uncertainty, but also great innovation. This post excerpts an article by Robin Rose, Vice President, Healthcare Resource Group at HealthStream, which breaks down ten trends that are redefining healthcare.

What are some big picture trends in healthcare? Three of the ten discussed here include:

  1. Increasingly, high turnover among healthcare staff is an organizational CHOICE.

    Organizations in high growth areas are forced to implement innovative ways to reduce turnover. From competitive benefits and career opportunities to leadership development offerings and accredited programs for new nurses, HR leaders and CNOs alike are showing that turnover can be reduced when management decides to get serious about this costly problem.

  2. For credentialing and privileging, the quest is on for a single, accurate provider database

    The industry is seeing a need for major improvement in medical staff credentialing and privileging processes, beginning with the need for thorough, accurate provider data. Luckily, change is coming as new CMS Guidelines for accuracy of provider information are set. They include:

    • Provider directories must contain relevant and accurate provider information
    • Directory maintenance will be implemented through monthly updates of provider information and quarterly touch points with providers within a Qualified Health Plan network
    • CMS is currently auditing healthcare organizations for accuracy
    • Penalties may be forthcoming
  3. “Don’t call us a hospital system” reflects the need to refocus healthcare to preventive and lower cost care environments.
  4. Provider organizations aren’t calling themselves “hospital systems” anymore. They are shifting their way of thinking and operating. As forces such as those listed below are occurring, systems increasingly think of themselves as “large clinics” that also operate hospitals. What’s behind the shift to more OP care?

    • Payers pushing for lower costs
    • Patients can’t afford their high-deductible health plans
    • Technical advances allow more care to be delivered in OP setting
    • Patient satisfaction requirements
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