Common Threats to Healthcare—Prepare Your Workforce to Solve Them

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Healthcare faces threats from many directions, ranging from cyber-attacks and devastating natural disasters to the opioid crisis and lack of adequately trained staff. Today’s most successful healthcare leaders will be those who have a well-prepared workforce that can accommodate the unknown and respond competently to whatever occurs. HealthStream’s most important goal is to be a strategic partner able to ensure your workforce is confident and ready to overcome any and every challenge.

We have assembled the following resources for healthcare leaders researching ways to overcome their challenges:

Webinar Series: Preparing for Emerging Threats in Healthcare

eBook: Workforce Readiness: Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Unknown

The risks and adversity facing healthcare organizations are great and sometimes overwhelming for the leaders tasked with dealing with them. But one of then best answers lies in developing a confident workforce that is aware and can apply best practices for avoiding hazards and handling unexpected situations as they arise. In this eBook we consider some of the potential threats facing healthcare organizations and learn from leaders who have first-hand experience in surmounting these challenges. Download the complimentary eBook here.

Infographic: Healthcare Security Threats

Patient records have never been more desireable. As their value for criminal exploitation continues to increase, so do attempts to obtain them under a wide variety of false pretenses. It is unfortunate that Cyber criminals have realized the degree to which healthcare has fallen behind other industries in terms of data protection. The ramifications and impact can be disastrous and crippling to organizations not prepared to deal with today’s threats. Learn more by downloading this infographic.

To access more resources and learn more about solutions to your outstanding healthcare challenges, click here.

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