Connecting the Dots between CoPs and Accrediting Standards to Learning

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

How would an organization know that they are meeting the CoPs and accreditation standards?

One way would be to assign benchmark assessments focused on areas such as the Patient Rights, Environment of Care, Infection Prevention and Control and Life Safety. By assessing an organization’s knowledge base, training gaps can be identified. This process would allow the organization to decide, based on data, areas of increased risk and create a targeted training plan to ensure appropriately allocated resources, both financial and human.

Ultimately, an organization would know that it is addressing knowledge gaps, training their staff on the right material at the right time, and meeting standards by addressing risk areas to improve outcomes. This is crucial because time and money are closely guarded assets in any healthcare organization. By identifying risks of compliance to the CoPs and accreditation standards, an organization can take effective action to protect its valuable relationship with federally funded healthcare organizations, as well as private payers, and most importantly, protect the health and well-being of patients under its care.

How HealthStream Can Help You Meet CoPs and Standards

As mentioned, it is important to know where your organization’s knowledge gaps and proficiencies are, so you can create a targeted training plan that is efficient and effective. With over 18 million completions over the last 3 years, HealthStream can provide benchmarking assessments and comparison data to guide your decisions. HealthStream provides benchmark assessments, adaptive courses, and data insights to ensure your organization makes the right training decisions and meets your key targets and goals for the year.

This blog post continues a series excerpting the HealthStream article, Using Assessments and Training to Improve Conditions of Participation, by Debbie Newsholme, Senior Director of Content Development and Compliance Solutions, HealthStream. This article also includes:

  • Why CoPs Compliance Matters
  • Surveys to Determine CoPs Compliance
  • Deficiency Findings and Corrective Plans
  • What Are CoPs
  • Why CoPs Were Established
  • Why CoPs Compliance Is Important

HCCS, A HealthStream Company, provides online healthcare compliance training solutions to help health systems, facilities, and organizations across the care continuum comply with government regulations and accrediting body requirements. These online training courses span the areas of Billing & Corporate, HIPAA, Privacy & Security, Research, and Workforce compliance. These courses are recognized for using video and slideshow vignettes, audio, and other interactive elements to engage learners, increase retention, and change staff behavior.

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