Data-Based Learning Improves Healthcare Employee Retention and Boosts Performance

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

A positive outcome of using data to make learning assignments is better employee retention, which reduces operational expenses and helps achieve institutional goals more quickly. The individualized approach that is a hallmark of performance-guided learning ties into more visible employee support, allowing providers and facilities to highlight the contributions of employees. That further elevates their confidence as well as others’ awareness of their skill sets.

Education Aligned with Organizational Goals and Objectives

Performance-guided learning ties in nicely with overarching goals and objectives for the employer. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely, or SMART, goals are the gold standard when it comes to creating and achieving specific goals. Both the SMART approach and performance-guided learning work because of clear, finite definitions, and that is because both optimize personalized, data-driven learning. Shifting the education/training paradigm away from mandated classes and annual testing to a more nimble, customized model that plays to employees’ strengths, when properly implemented can do much to foster and achieve operational goals.

Performance-Guided Learning in Action: the Example of Falls Prevention

For instance, say that an overarching, enterprise-wide goal of reducing patient falls has been introduced, with a set target number and date for review and evaluation. It’s a big program, with a lofty goal. Chances are that some high-profile goal-setting meetings have been held, with C-suite officials cheering on the troops. The staff is well aware of the focus on the issue and the steps being taken to address it. They know that their performance is being monitored and there is pressure to succeed.

Undoubtedly, there is strong buy-in, because patient safety is the foundational goal of any healthcare enterprise. But what does the education portion of the program look like? If it’s just a series of mandated workshops and lectures, a huge opportunity is being missed. Even the most eager learner’s enthusiasm is cooled by an educational component that lumps everyone into the same skill level and doesn’t attempt to recognize individual achievement or pre-existing competency levels. And if there’s no ongoing feedback, no one knows whether or not they’re hitting incremental goals set up as signposts along the route to the desired outcome.

This blog post excerpts the HealthStream article, Improve Outcomes Through Performance-Guided Learning. The article also includes:

  • Are Your Employee Training Programs Geared Toward Compliance or Toward Growth?
  • Connect Core Competencies and Tasks to Targeted Learning
  • Creating a New Approach to Training with Performance Guided Learning

Access the full article.

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