Effective Recognition is the Right Way to Influence Behavior Among Healthcare Employees

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

This blog post excerpts the HealthStream article, Effective Recognition: The Right Way to Influence Behavior, by Craig Spilker, Head of Product + Engagement, AMPT, and Brad Weeks, Director, Performance Assessment and Development, HealthStream.

Employees who feel valued for their contributions will outperform and are far more likely to stay with an organization.

Best-in-class healthcare organizations—those that are not only winning the “Best Place to Work” awards but those being acknowledged for high quality, safe, and patient-centered care—are doing so in part because they have recognition-rich cultures in place that bring out the best in their people.

“Recognition is absolutely tied back to employee engagement. A highly engaged workforce is a highly productive workforce that provides a safer environment.” - Eric Barber CEO, Mary Lanning Healthcare, and three-time Great Workplace Award Winner.

These organizations do not rely heavily on monetary rewards or trinkets to show appreciation but instead simply ensure that honest and authentic feedback between all employees is consistent, frequent, and tied back to the organization’s purpose.

“Reward” And “Recognition” Are Not Synonyms

Too often when managers and leaders start thinking about how to better motivate employees, the conversation gravitates towards tangible incentives—those things we think employees need to feel more engaged. Unfortunately, when we lead with incentives, we lose sight of what engaged employees want.

83% Of Employees Prefer Authentic Recognition Over Rewards

It is not erroneous to think employees might need a reward. An individual employee will work for a reward. However, using rewards as the foundation of a recognition-rich culture is not necessary, and can be a deterrent when trying to impact the ongoing performance and drive of an entire team or workforce.

This article also includes:

  • Recognition Vs. Rewards: Why Effective Recognition Wins
  • Effective Recognition Strengthens Relationships between Employees, Teams, and Managers
  • Authentic Recognition Is Unlimited
  • Effective Recognition Programs Have More Impact than a Rewards-Based Program

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