5 Guidelines for Creating Healthcare Management Competencies

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

There are some principles and some essential competencies that are just too important to be left out of the equation and can be useful to us in establishing organizational thresholds for competency.

As early as 2003, the Institute of Medicine had identified five competencies designed to help organizations thrive in the current healthcare environment. They remain very relevant today.

  1. Embrace patient-centered care. While no longer a new concept, its importance is actually growing as organizations try to find means to keep up with ways to respect and treat an increasingly diverse patient population in an environment where patient perceptions of their experience can impact bottom-line and brand.
  2. Work within inter-disciplinary teams. As our population ages and the acuity level of acute care hospital patients increases, it will be more important to evaluate behavioral aspects such as collaboration, communication, and integration to ensure the best care across the continuum. These behaviors will also impact our performance on Transitions of Care measures.
  3. Employ evidence-based best practices. Ensure that care reflects current research, as well as provider expertise and patient values.
  4. Apply quality improvement. In order to move from incompetence to competency, we need to ensure that staff has the ability to identify errors as well as measure and understand metrics around the quality of care.
  5. Utilize informatics. Increasingly these tools should be able to help staff avoid errors and support real-time decision making. Are these essential competencies the foundation for your organizations competency measurement?

This blog post is the fourth in a series of excerpts from the HealthStream article, Maintaining Competency: Turning Concepts into Practice. Healthcare providers use the HealthStream Competency Center to Measure & Validate Competency. Doing so includes the ability to measure and benchmark behaviors or levels of competence in positions across the healthcare field through peer, preceptor, or manager appraisal, including methods of validation and evidence of achievement. Explore HealthStream clinical development solutions that ensure competency.

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