Five Most Popular Care Continuum Blog Posts Published in 2018 by HealthStream

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

To wrap up the HealthStream Blog for the year, we did some research about our most popular blog posts. Of those published in 2018, these are the five most popular posts focused on the care continuum.

Five Trends Demonstrate How Non-Acute Care is Changing

Non-acute care is definitely evolving, due to demographics and differing expectations of care as people age, as well as new approaches to reimbursement on the part of government and insurance industry payers. We cannot keep providing care in the same way we always have in the face of limited financial resources and a growing population needing care. Here are just a few of the many things we all should be paying attention to in this sector of care.

10 Things to Know about CoPs for Home Health Agencies in 2018

The new Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for Home Health Agencies (HHAs) have been published, and agencies will soon be held accountable to new standards. In a recent webinar, Gina Mazza, a national leader on regulatory and compliance issues and a Partner and the Director of Fazzi’s Regulatory and Compliance Division, shares with HealthStream the details of the additions and revisions made to the existing conditions.

Big Picture Trends Changing Healthcare in 2018

The healthcare industry is in a time of great uncertainty, but also great innovation. This post excerpts an article by Robin Rose, Vice President, Healthcare Resource Group at HealthStream, which breaks down ten trends that are redefining healthcare. For credentialing and privileging, the quest is on at many organizations for a single, accurate provider database. The industry is seeing a need for major improvement in medical staff credentialing and privileging processes, beginning with the need for thorough, accurate provider data. Luckily, change is coming as new CMS Guidelines for accuracy of provider information are set.

The Real Focus of Healthcare Is Moving Outside the Hospital to Outpatient Care 

The transition away from inpatient care is having a tremendous impact on the healthcare industry—changing everything from how we are structuring our healthcare systems to how we are using metrics to gauge success. This move to outpatient dominance requires that leaders adopt a new mindset when thinking about how healthcare is delivered. Following are several trends that may help advance your thinking and inform decision-making in your organization.

Ensuring Better Care Transitions for Frail Geriatric Patients

This is the first of two blog posts based on a recent webinar discussing the new learning module created by HealthStream and the Duke School of Nursing and School of Medicine about how to optimize inter-professional frail elder care. This post is based on remarks by Dr. Eleanor McConnell, Director of the Centers for Excellence in Geriatric Nursing Education and lead faculty for the gerontology specialties in the MSN program at Duke.

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