Focus on Employee Engagement to Help Improve Healthcare Outcomes: eBook

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

An organization with a highly engaged workforce will often experience the following associated benefits:

  • Low staff turnover rates that can range between 8% and 12%.
  • Being considered the employer of choice in the community.
  • Staff who are willing to recommend the organization as the best place to work in the community.
  • High patient-experience scores (HCAHPS). Staff has to be emotionally engaged in their jobs to provide excellent patient care.
  • Exceptional quality and patient safety scores. A staff that is engaged and trusting of the organization and its values is more likely to report adverse or near-adverse events.
  • The reputation and financial consequences of the above.

Most importantly, you have to measure employee engagement to know how you are doing and to identify specific areas where you need to focus your improvement efforts. Everyone has the opportunity to make it better, and there are many tools at your disposal to apply to your challenges. In the end, if employee engagement is one of the ways we can affect patient and business outcomes, how can we afford not to work on it?

HealthStream has just published our free eBook: Develop Happy Employees Who Deliver the Best Care (And Keep Them).

Articles inside include:

  • Understanding Healthcare Employee Engagement
  • Great Leadership: Lessons in the Importance of Employee Engagement
  • Confronting Turnover Through Engagement
  • The Intentional Pursuit of Your Best Employees
  • Want to Make Real Strides In Employee Engagement & Retention?
  • For Ardent’s Jaime Heitgrass, It’s All About: Employee Engagement
  • Dramatic Improvements in Physician Satisfaction and Engagement

Download the complimentary eBook here.

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