Got IT? Honor your tech pros during Healthcare Information Professionals Week

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Physical contact is a huge part of healthcare, and that will never change. At the same time, technology continues to play an increasing role, not only in bedside care, but also in other aspects of the care continuum. Healthcare IT also forms the backbone of high-quality facility operations, and that’s why it’s so important to recognize these vital team players during Healthcare Information Professionals Week, March 24-30.

This is an opportunity to showcase the thousands of healthcare information management professionals who work behind the scenes (and sometimes out front) to make sure that all systems are operating smoothly. And it’s so much more than just the “call the IT department” when a computer won’t boot up, a screen is frozen, or some other tech-related mishap. Healthcare IT has become a foundational part of patient care now and in the future.

Big data, big responsibility

That’s because the data collected from a patient’s bedside vitals, as well as lab and test results, all combine to give a snapshot of that patient’s health now, as well as provide predictors for potential future issues. The phrase “big data” gets tossed around a  lot in healthcare now, because providers are increasingly aware of the need to capture patient information, analyze it, and create systems hat can then offer up warnings around detrimental outcomes, as well as suggestions to improve or avoid them.

Healthcare IT professionals play a huge part in every step of that process. They create, build, enhance, and maintain the systems that obtain and analyze the data, as well as the predictive models that help providers formulate care plans that result in positive patient outcomes and a strong patient experience. That information also helps facilities and systems as well, because it allows for more targeted, successful care approaches that result in a more cost-effective patient care continuum.

Entities such as the American Health Information Management Association, or AHIMA, work tirelessly to promote the value of healthcare information in its many aspects. During Healthcare Information Professionals Week, they will be in Washington to meet with legislators on Capitol Hill to call attention to the profession’s many goals around information and data, which include ensuring the following goals for all patient healthcare encounters:

  • Availability
  • Accuracy
  • Integrity
  • Security


The result, the organization notes, is better outcomes for patients, as well as better clinical and business decisions that enhance the operational capacity of the provider. That can make onboarding and training a complex matter, as each type of entity has its own operational procedures that must mesh with the overall industry standards that information professionals must adhere to for success.

As a provider of training and ongoing learning solutions, HealthStream is uniquely positioned to help these professionals, and their employers, achieve success. The HealthStream Learning Center is used by millions of healthcare professionals across all types of care settings every day. Its more than 20,000 courses can be tailored to meet the needs of healthcare information professionals now and into the future. Click here to learn more about the Learning Center and how it can work for your information professionals and other team members.

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