Harvey, Irma, and Las Vegas: Disaster Lessons for Healthcare

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

We wake up most mornings expecting a normal—even sometimes frantic—workday. We travel to work worried about getting everything done, managing the day’s problems, and being there to support our co-workers. At the same time, we all know this sense of normalcy can end in the blink of an eye. All it takes is a news report about a new hurricane brewing in the Gulf of Mexico, a storm coming through the Caribbean with its sights set on southern Florida, or a Sunday night message on the police radio about a mass shooting in process in a nearby downtown. Suddenly, the world around us changes, and we are asked to perform in an environment and under conditions most healthcare leaders have never experienced.

2017 Was Another Year When Disasters Tested the Healthcare System

In the fall of 2017, a number of our nation’s leading health systems (including AmSurg, Dignity Health, HCA, and TeamHealth to name a few) were put in a unique position of dealing with all three of these natural disasters or mass casualty events one right after the other.
In this eBook, we focus on first-hand accounts from local emergency department Medical Directors in Southwest Florida, Houston, and Las Vegas, and the regional leaders at TeamHealth who supported them. We feel certain you’ll be as interested as we were in their responses to the questions below:

  • What was the experience like?
  • What did these leaders experience?
  • What steps did they take to manage these critical situations?
  • And, what advice do they have for the rest of us?

If you were in charge, would you have thought ahead of time to:

  • Figure out a way to deliver dialysis care in your ED?
  • Provide pet care for the employees you called in to work multiple shifts in your hospital?
  • Train your staff to handle 200 gunshot victims in one night?

This is a tremendous story of leaders rising to the occasion and heroes working around-the-clock to care for multitudes of patients. Articles with their inspiring stories include:

  • When Disaster Strikes: Las Vegas Hospital relies on teamwork and processes to treat mass shooting victims
  • Learning from Those Who Weathered the Storm: How TeamHealth providers cared for patients before and after hurricanes Harvey and Irma
  • “No One’s Ever Worked Through Something Like That:” How System Executives Supported Their Local EDs through Harvey, Irma, and the Las Vegas Shooting
  • HealthStream Alert: Is Your Organization Compliant with the New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule? An Interview with James Paturus, Director, Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response, Yale New Haven Health System

Download the eBook here.

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