HBD-How Will COVID-19 Change Healthcare Leader Decisions-705x370

How will COVID-19 change healthcare leader decisions?

August 9, 2021
August 9, 2021

This blog post is part of our 2021 series on Healthcare’s Big Disruption.

This spring, HealthStream posed 14 survey questions, asking: "What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking About the Past, Present and Future?" In a matter of weeks, 900+ healthcare leaders – more than 86% of whom work in hospitals or in larger health systems – gave their opinions.

This three-part inquiry looked at wins, struggles, and future priorities.

How do healthcare leaders assess the impact of COVID-19 and how has it altered their plans?

Focusing on the present, we asked them about the effect of the pandemic on their organizations.

Specifically, we asked the following question:

On a scale of 1 (highly devastating) to 10 (not at all devastating), how devastating has the pandemic been to your organization? 

Only 16% of respondents answered that the pandemic has NOT been devastating for their organizations.

Unparalleled challenges

The modern U.S. healthcare system has never weathered a crisis comparable to COVID-19. The long list of pandemic difficulties includes dire working conditions and shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as non-stop emergency conditions and patient deaths at a rate most clinicians have never experienced. Worried about their own safety and the possibility of inadvertently infecting family and friends, healthcare workers are experiencing stress and burnout at rates previously unknown.

Mapping the effect of COVID-19

To pinpoint the impact of COVID-19 across the industry, we asked leaders to rate their agreement with 10 specific issues on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). Below are some examples.

How do you think leaders responded?

  • This pandemic is the worst health crisis I have faced in my lifetime.
  • This pandemic will forever change how we operate our facility.
  • I am more open to allowing employees to work from home.
  • We are taking a hard financial hit from this pandemic.
  • We will lose caregivers in the future due to pandemic trauma.

What else did we learn about the impact of COVID-19? Find out!

HealthStream’s new eBook—Healthcare’s Big Disruption, From Disruption to Optimism: How healthcare leaders are prioritizing change in light of the pandemic—details the results from our 2021 survey. Will the devastation and disruption caused by COVID-19 create meaningful change within healthcare? Robin Rose, Vice President Healthcare Resource Group, explores implications for healthcare’s imminent evolution in three eBook articles.

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