Healthcare Recruitment Strategy: Delegate and Automate

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

This blog post is part of our ongoing TALENT TUESDAYS weekly series focused on how to improve talent management at healthcare organizations. In coming weeks we’ll feature excerpts from our Industry Perspective paper, 7 WAYS TO EASE THE PAIN OF HEALTHCARE HIRING.

The expense and complexity of hiring for healthcare organizations are constantly increasing. The healthcare industry is fast-moving, ever-changing, and intensely regulated, and those who face the task of hiring are typically inundated with thousands of applications. The industry is facing an unprecedented shortage of talent within an extremely competitive marketplace, making recruitment even more difficult. Pressures have intensified for these organizations, which are often understaffed, as they attempt to hire more individuals while continuing to deliver the best patient experience possible. What are some ways to reduce the cost of healthcare hiring?

Delegate and Automate

There are a lot of moving parts in healthcare recruiting. Many of these processes are administrative in nature and could easily be automated with the right systems. Finding ways, even small ones, in which you can streamline and automate parts of your process can dramatically lower your cost per hire. The tools and technology created to aid in this process have come a long way in recent years. So whether you are using an antiquated ATS (applicant tracking system) or struggling with spreadsheets, here are a few ideas that can help:

  • Automate Administrative Tasks with an ATS – An online ATS is a great way to simplify and streamline your entire recruiting process. These cloud-based systems now allow you to put all of your recruiting data and processes into a system that can be accessed by your entire organization. Most importantly, you can easily automate many of the time-intensive tasks that are slowing your team down.


  • Candidate Scoring System – Creating a consistent candidate scoring system, using an ATS or your own manual method, can help you focus on your most qualified candidates. This will help save time and keep your best candidates engaged, resulting in better quality hires in less time.


  • Leverage 3rd Party Integrations – There are myriad integrations built specifically for the healthcare industry, most of which can integrate with your ATS. This allows you to seamlessly delegate important and time-consuming steps to technology partners built specifically for tasks such as pre-screening, assessments, and more. With the increase in compliance-related steps in the hiring process, this can be a great way to save time and money and to properly protect your organization.


  • Align People & Processes – This suggestion may appear simple on the surface, but it can serve as one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your recruitment results. Chances are that you have a pretty lean team to work with, which is all the more reason to make sure that you are leveraging their strengths properly. Take a look at your team and ask yourself if you have the right people aligned with the right processes. What are their strengths? What do they like doing? Who gets the best results in each area? Tweak a few roles or try something completely new. Don’t be afraid to change things up; you might be surprised how much making a change can help.
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