Provider Credentialing Is Going to Change Significantly

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

With their constant attention on patient safety, Medical Services Professionals (MSPs) are taking on more complex roles as the healthcare industry continues to shift to value-based care from the traditional volume-based model. As the healthcare industry and its payers embrace the use of telehealth, especially for rural patients and small clinics, credentialing will play an important role in making this service finally viable.

The National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) says in its 2018 State of the Medical Services Profession Report that standardization, consolidation, and the increasing importance of quality metrics will redefine the role MSPs play in organizations in the coming years (Barajas, 2018). Electronic and software solutions for credentialing and related services are growing rapidly as the industry moves to digitize records and operations to support automation. The volume for credentialing functions is predicted to increase as more nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) begin working in a hospital environment

This blog post is an excerpt from the longer HealthStream article, Trends That Will Shape the Next Decade in Healthcare. Focused on the people providing healthcare, HealthStream is committed to helping customers address and solve big problems in our industry. From hospitals to long-term care and across the care continuum, there are challenges stemming from demographic changes, governmental mandates, and the need for higher care quality. Download the webinar, Ten Healthcare Trends for 2020, where Robin Rose, Vice President, Healthcare Resources Group, HealthStream discusses this information in detail. HealthStream is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through the development of healthcare organizations' greatest asset: their people. Learn more about our healthcare workforce development solutions.

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