Solving the Turnover Epidemic with Great Recruiting

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

By: Patrick Scaglione, Solution Executive-Talent Management, HealthStream

Recruiting is both an art and a science; I don’t think anyone can argue that.  I spent 4 years as a recruiter, both on the agency side and in-house.  It’s a tricky business, and all good recruiters need tools that help them manage the process.  But ultimately, the most important thing about being a recruiter is finding the right candidate for the job. Collaboration with hiring managers is key to hiring the right candidate.

As a recruiter, you aren’t hiring someone to work on your team or even in your department usually.  Recruiters have to be able to communicate with hiring managers on a regular basis to understand the skillset, personality, and background needed to be a fit for the role.  Often, especially in larger health systems, this is easier said than done. Many times the recruiter and the hiring manager don’t sit in the same office, let alone the same city.

The Need for Recruiting Systems

Recruiters need systems that can communicate with the hiring manager as well as the potential candidate.  They need tools to help them weed out unqualified candidates without even looking at their profile.  When recruiters and hiring managers are in sync, the right people are hired and organizations thrive.

Customizing job applications is a great way to give recruiters a leg up on weeding through candidates. Before the job position is even posted, get with the hiring manager to understand the skills that are must haves for the position. Tailor questions within the application that address each of these “must haves.”

Another tool organizations can use to manage the recruiter/hiring manager communication line is pre hire checklists. Before any position is posted, the recruiter and hiring manager sit down for a mini interview, where the hiring manager shares exact specifications and requirements for the position. These checklists can then be stored, and saved for future reference.

With an average turnover of over 18%, the healthcare industry needs to retain employees more than ever before.  So how do we solve this turnover epidemic?  Give recruiters the tools to get the right people in the door as quickly as possible!

For more information about tools and resources for Healthcare Recruiters, click here

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