The Entire HealthStream Blog--Most Popular Posts in 2018

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

To wrap up the HealthStream Blog for 2018, we did some research about our most popular blog posts for the year. For this first compilation, it didn’t matter when each post was published, just that it was among our most popular during the past 12 months. The topics range from best practices for addressing nursing challenges and continuum care issues to using rounding as a way of improving patient experiences and outcomes. Here are the 10 HealthStream blogs that were most popular in 2018.

Five Essentials of Nursing Orientation

Nursing orientation plays a pivotal role in the competency and retention of newly hired registered nurses. Effective orientation and precepting programs produce nurses who provide competent, quality patient care and are enculturated as productive members of the healthcare team. Successful nursing orientation programs should include five essential components.

The Importance of Communication in Nursing

As a nurse, you must effectively communicate in order to be successful in your role. Nurses must constantly express patient needs to physicians; write clear, yet concise notes that highlight the events of their shift and how patients are responding to treatment and care; and even clearly verbalize the events that led up the decision to call a code in a room that may be filled with chaos. This post is from our series that nurse Nicole Kraut writes periodically about her RN career experiences.

Seven Nurse Retention Strategies that You Can Use Now

The nurse retention strategies that worked 10 or even 5 years ago cannot dampen the kind of turnover that healthcare is facing. Healthcare organizations that want to retain employees need to implement stronger, evidence-based strategies. It’s time to act on the problem. Organizations with lower turnover have found these seven actions to be vital to boosting retention.

What Hourly Rounding is NOT and Why It Often Fails

We are currently considering hourly rounding as a component of improving the patient experience. Hourly rounding is a structured means of promoting patient-centered communication in a healthcare setting between staff, patients, and their loved ones to ensure the best outcomes. Here we focus on defining hourly rounding and offering reasons why it often is not successful.

What is Service Recovery in Healthcare?

Service recovery is the process of making things right after something has gone wrong with the healthcare experience. It’s doing all that we can—in a sincere way that satisfies the customer—when service has failed. Why do it? We practice service recovery because it is a good, fundamental business practice that can turn a negative situation into a positive statement about our organization. In addition, it helps curb bad public relations, as dissatisfied customers have a tendency to tell others about their negative experience.

The Skilled Nursing Facility 30-Day All Cause Readmission: What’s Next?

Hospitals, CMS and nursing homes have begun to take a closer look at the Transitions of Care (TOC) data, particularly that of hospital readmissions that occur within 30 days of discharge from an acute care hospital to a skilled nursing facility. These readmissions are costly, put patients at risk for complications and appear to be largely preventable. This blog post is an excerpt from one of the articles in our free eBook: A Closer Look at Readmissions and Medical Errors: What healthcare leaders should know about the industry-wide struggle.

The Benefits of Hourly Rounding--Using It for Results

Hourly rounding should be an essential component of any effort aimed at improving the patient experience. Hourly rounding is a structured means of promoting patient-centered communication in a healthcare setting between staff, patients, and their loved ones to ensure the best outcomes. 

Skilled Nursing Facilities Should Prepare for a Future of Challenges and Opportunities

There will continue to be big challenges for skilled nursing facilities. They are operating on thin margins in the face of inadequate Medicaid reimbursement while also contending with declining private-pay population numbers, negative general public perceptions, outdated facilities, and difficulty in attracting and retaining staff. This post excerpts a Q&A article about skilled nursing facilities and the challenges they are going to be facing in the near future.

Best Practices for Healthcare Rewards and Recognition

One way to encourage employee engagement is to strengthen your focus on healthcare rewards and recognition. This post examines some successful practices implemented by HealthStream customers that other organizations may want to consider, from celebratory honors and a prize patrol to a “Caught You Caring” Initiative.

The Power of Rounding in the Emergency Department

Leaders often ask which tool is most effective for improving the patient experience in the emergency department. By far, the most powerful tactic that high-performing leaders can employ to create a patient-centered service culture is rounding. While simple in its premise, the implications and effects of purposeful rounding are remarkably effective. Every leader, staff member, and physician in the ED can use rounding in their practices and should consider how the various types of rounding might work for them in their departments.

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