The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Will Continue to Grow

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds lots of promise for the effort to improve healthcare. In a webinar based on her article, 10 Healthcare Trends to Watch in 2019, Robin L. Rose, MBA , VP, Healthcare Resource Group, HealthStream was joined by HealthStream’s Jim Reeves, Vice President, Strategic Accounts, in a discussion about how we are just beginning to understand how AI is changing healthcare.

AI Singled Out for Significant Expected Impact

Rose shared a survey of industry leaders and their opinions about the technology they expect to bring the greatest change to healthcare in the near future. After telemedicine, the second answer was artificial intelligence. Rose offered that “The growth in AI in healthcare has just been phenomenal. $2.7 billion has been raised over the last several years by different venture capitals firms. The ten most promising applications could create up to a $150 billion in annual savings for U.S. healthcare, according to Accenture.”

AI Linked to Important Healthcare Solutions

Rose continued with a discussion of just a few of the problems and the AI application solutions that people are seeing for healthcare. She offered, “We’ve all heard of robotic-assisted surgery and the nursing shortages we’ll soon be facing.” Other functions range from virtual nursing assistance and more help with administrative work. She emphasized that AI is “likely to improve healthcare outcomes by 30 to 40%, while simultaneously cutting the cost of treatment in half, and this going to go across the whole continuum of care. This is not just a hospital-based initiative.”

Using AI to Create Personalized Healthcare Training Plans

Reeves added that “Certainly this is something that everybody would really love to see sooner rather than later.” He referred to multiple HealthStream customers who buy lots of training content without any way to organize it effectively in terms of assignments and specific learners’ situations. Reeves offered that customers definitely want “innovative ways to use interactive technology to assess what learners know and then drive them to specific, targeted learning events tailored to individual needs.” He said this functionality, which creates increased confidence among caregivers, improves engagement, and lowers training cost would be achieving the “Holy Grail for healthcare training and education!”

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