The Importance of Sincere Rewards and Recognition in Healthcare

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021


A reward should reflect a genuine expression of appreciation. Insincerity is easily perceived when the words and body language are inadequate. Moreover, because the recognition comes across as shallow, it’s ineffective. The process of reward and recognition should never be viewed as a chore.

A tried and true way to express sincere recognition is to be specific. Don’t just tell employees that they did a good job – instead, be specific about what was good. If you don’t put thought into the recognition that you are giving, tying it specifically to the individual’s deserving behavior, the effect may be the opposite of what you intended. Offer detailed and relevant praise.

Examples of Sincere Praise Statements

Reconsider saying: “Great job on the report.” 

Better way to say it: “Your careful attention to detail made your report excellent. The facts were clear and the material was error-free. Great job!” 

Reconsider saying: “We should all thank John for his great teamwork.”

Better way to say it: “John, you consistently go the extra mile when you are involved in a project. Without your commitment to obtaining the information we needed, and staying on task, the team would have been unable to complete the project on time. On behalf of the team - thank you, John.” 

Reconsider saying: “You did a good job with the Communication Boards.”

Better way to say it: “That you put quality into everything you do is obvious when I look at our Communication Board. The material is  so well organized and colorful. You worked hard to make it appealing and draw everyone’s attention. Good job!”

Ways to Rethink How You Express Compliments about Work Performance

Being sincere with praise requires some forethought, obviously. It calls for leaders to be proactive in looking and listening. Look for reward and recognition opportunities by focusing on what makes your department excel. Is it teamwork, cooperation, hands-on patient care, fiscal watchfulness? Who can you recognize for their efforts to make the department shine?

Listen to the employees with whom you work. Are they praising someone for a job well-done,
talking about an individual who went the extra mile? Let your employees help identify your means of sincerity in recognizing individuals.

Starter Phrases for a New Way to Talk to High-Performing Employees

Here are some phrases of sincerity that ring true. Embellish them by adding the specifics of the employee’s behavior.

  • Your dedication contributes to our success by...
  • The service that you provided exceeded expectations when...
  • We recognize and sincerely appreciate your efforts that...
  • You took the time, and that made all the difference when...
  • You consistently go the extra mile by...
  • Your careful attention to detail contributed to the project’s success by...
  • You have a winner’s attitude that is demonstrated by...
  • That you put quality into everything you do is obvious when....
  • Your ability to listen carefully to what others are saying creates....
  • Your commitment to service excellence inspires others when...

Reward and Recognition Training

BLG teaches key skills, approaches, techniques, and best practices to help leaders effectively reward and recognize high performers. Elements of this training include how to harvest reward and recognition opportunities, thank you notes as a key engagement tool, formal recognition programs that support a patient focused culture, and informal methods that create a custom, individualized approach to thanking team members in your employee family.

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