Top Trends Impacting the Healthcare Workforce: eBook

April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021

The healthcare workforce is at the heart of many of the big changes coming to the healthcare industry. Not only are we asking them to do more with fewer resources, time, and manpower, but they are also tasked with continually improving outcomes, both for patients and their organizations. 

In this eBook, Get Ahead of the Trends: A Look at the Top Issues Impacting the Healthcare Workforce, we examine the training, both prior to and on the job, as well as programs focused on retaining and supporting new nurses, developing new healthcare leaders, and engaging staff to avoid the considerable organizational damage that occurs when staff members leave unnecessarily.

Contents include:

  • Workforce Trends Shaping Healthcare
  • Innovation for a New Generation of Nurses: An Interview with Belmont University’s Dr. Cathy Taylor
  • Creating Experts in Healthcare: 6 Things to Understand About Adult Learners
  • Dark Issues in Our Most Trusted Profession (Nursing)
  • CHRISTUS Sets a High Bar for Transitioning Nurses to New Practice Settings
  • Houston, We No Longer Have a Problem (When It Comes to Turnover, That Is)

The lesson learned across the board is that there are solutions—decisions you can make and programs you can implement—to strengthen your healthcare workforce, help them to overcome challenges, and enable them to continue to provide the excellent care that patients and their families deserve.

Download this resource to learn how your organization can strengthen your healthcare workforce and enable them to provide quality care.

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